Tag Archives: affiliate

How to Build Income for Life With GDI

Are you new to GDI and asking yourself, “How do I make money?” Or are you an experienced member looking for a simple breakdown of building income for your team? Either way this post is for you. Below we share just how you build income with GDI and how you get started. Read and share.

 Signing Up

When you sign up for GDI, you are essentially signing up for two things. You have agreed to sign up with a sponsor, or if you registered without a sponsor, one will be assigned to you. When you sign up with a sponsor, you become part of their team or downline. When you sign up people below you, they become a part of your team or downline. For each person you sign to your downline you are paid out $1 per month per person in your downline. This works the same way for the people above you, it just happens that you are part of their downline.

The second thing you are signing up for is our GDI products, which in the basic membership include a domain registration, hosting and 10 email addresses. All of which you can brand anyway you like and are yours for life. You also have access to GDI’s own SiteBuilder to simply build a great site as long as other add-ons like a message boards, photo gallery, URL forwarding and blogs that can be created using our WordPress plugin.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is how you are able to build you Income for Life. Above we talk about the $1 per level pay out. This is essentially your commission for marketing and selling GDI’s domain services and income opportunity.

 Affiliate Income

As GDI affiliate, you will be rewarded with a 10% commission on the revenue generated from each layer, down through a total of 5 generations, with no limit to how many “front line” (Layer 1) affiliates you may have and therefore no limit to your potential income. If you personally introduce just 5 affiliates and each of them do the same, you will have built a network of 3905 affiliates.

Whenever one of them makes a sale or spends money themselves on a GDI service, you will receive 10% of every transaction

Representing GDI the Right Way

GDI gives those interested a chance to become an affiliate and as such represent the company. Because of this, it’s important to respect GDI for the sake of yourself, the company, and your fellow affiliates. You are in the unique position of being a representative for a company and how you represent it is important. Making false claims and lying about your business can land you in hot water in many ways but also damage the reputation of GDI and hurt your fellow affiliates. Read our examples below and work to represent yourself and GDI in the best way.

You don’t have to share all your secrets

…but that doesn’t mean you have to be so vague people don’t know what they are signing up for. You can develop a great system that you want to keep for your personal GDI team, but you don’t have to be so quiet about it that people don’t know what they’re in for. Share what GDI is and some of how you have been successful. Don’t give away all of your trade secrets, but do be honest.

Share the promise of income for life

…but don’t make promises for huge sums of money that you can’t follow up on. With affiliate programs, you get back what you put into it and this will be different for each affiliate. Do not overextend yourself and advertise to potential downline members an amount of money you can’t promise. Be real with what you’ve worked for and what others might expect.

The GDI Difference: The Inviter and 7 Minute Movie

This is the final part of a series explaining why GDI is different than the affiliate marketing companies you have heard of before. Share these blogs with anyone you know who might be skeptical or just wants to learn more.


GDI always works hard to do the marketing for you. That’s why we offer the Inviter. The Inviter allows GDI members to input email address or their email account information so that customized emails can be sent out for you. The Inviter allows all members the chance to reach out to their current network and let them know about the opportunity with just a few clicks of the mouse.

These emails link to your WebSite, giving potential team members the chance to quickly and effectively learn about your opportunity. Unlike other affiliate programs that can overwhelm people with the number of products and what they do, GDI gives you the chance to share our product (your WebSite) and share just how it works simply.

7 Minute Movie

Other affiliate programs may give you a script to follow to as a way of “helping” you build your team. At GDI, we go farther than that. Our 7 Minute Movie has all the information someone interested in GDI needs to know. The movie can easily be added to your site or taken advantage with a replicated page. Best of all, you get to us the GDI created 7 Minute Movie and still get the lead. That’s marketing made easy.