Longevity: One Key to Success

What is it?

Longevity in network marketing refers to the length of time you can keep team members. Ideally, once you sign up a new member in your downline, they would be with you for the length of your business, but anyone who has worked in network marketing knows this is rarely the case. It is easy to get distracted by signing up new people all the time, but don’t forget to pay attention to those already on your team. Keeping those teams members and achieving longevity will give you consistent success (and checks!).

Ways to Work Toward Longevity with All Sign Ups:

Offer Support: When a member of your downline comes to you with questions or challenges, it is important to get back to them and offer your assistance right away. Unresponsive downlines leave people feeling lost and looking to quit. Think of it a customer support, it is not the most glamorous part of a business, but it is essential to keep your customers (or downline) happy and your business thriving!

Reach Out: Don’t always wait for your downline to come to you when they are having trouble. Reach out to your downline before they have to come to you. Check in with your team members on a regular schedule to get a feel of how their doing and get their feedback and input. This will not only keep your downline happy and interested, but also help you tweak and change your business for the better.

Educate and Grow Together: There are many resources out there to learn more about GDI and tools and tricks for network marketing, like our webinar series. Make it a point for you and your team members to attend webinars to ensure you are learning and growing together. You can also provide your own educational videos and blogs to help your downline grow and stay with you to achieve that longevity.

New Webinar Series

Join us for our NEW Webinar Series for 2012. Like our past webinars, they will be held bi-weekly on Tuesday’s at 1pm PST (4pm EST). Our new series will work to cover new trends in network marketing as well as advice and provide great dialogue from top affiliates who share their own advice and opions earned from years of experience and success with GDI. To attend these webinars you must register here: www.register.gdiwebinars.ws . If you were registered for our 2011 Webinar Series you must re-register at this same link: www.register.gdiwebinars.ws

Leave your ideas for topics you want covered in the webinars in the comments. Hope to see you there at our next webinar on Tuesday, January 17th at 1pm PST! Check out http://www.register.gdiwebinars.ws/ for the time of the webinar in your area!

Your Year End Business Plan

As 2012 approaches, many of us will be taking the time to reflect on our personal successes and challenges in 2011. You should also be taking the time to reflect on your network marketing experiences in 2011. We share some questions you should be asking yourself about 2011 and our tips for making 2012 you most successful year below.

Assess 2011

It’s always a good idea to measure you success at the end of each month and keep a running document of this information. But if you haven’t been too good at keeping track of this information in 2011, you can still easily assess the year. Ask yourself a few key questions. What was my biggest success? What was my biggest challenge? How often did a lose a team member? How much time did I spend on building my business with GDI each week? The answers to these questions can give you a simple overview of your year and allow you to get brainstorming for 2012.

Set New Goals

Based on the answers to the above questions and what you hope to achieve in 2012, it’s time to set some new hard goals and deadlines. These goals can be based on numbers, like how many hours put into building your business, or how many team members you signed up. You can also set goals based on personal growth and helping others, like making sure to attend each GDI webinar, or to help answer questions new affiliates may have on Facebook.

Make Plans to Reach Those Goals

Now that you’ve set your goals, you need to take the time to write out the steps that will help you achieve those goals, like we did below:

Goal: Sign up 5 new team members per month

Steps to Achieve Goal:

  • Create simple duplication system
  • Build network through social media
  • Attend local business events to share my GDI opportunity
  • Reach out to upline each month for advice
  • Attend weekly webinars and encourage new team members to attend

Check back with these goals every couple of weeks to ensure you are on your way to achieving them and making 2012 your most successful year yet!

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