Simple Tips: Proofreading

It’s something we’re all guilty of doing, in fact, you can probably find examples of it on this very blog. It’s leaving typos, misspellings and improper formatting in what you publish on your site and it’s something that can be easily avoided by proofreading.

Getting content and information on your site is one key to staying on top of your business and so is making sure that content is clear and free of errors. When you read information on a site and you find a simple spelling error, that site often loses its credibility for you quite quickly. If a site can’t even take the time to share error free information, that doesn’t say much about the services they can offer you.

Remember to proofread and check your content before publishing on your site. Follow a few tricks to ensure you are presenting the best information.

Read Out Loud

Once you’ve drafted your content and proofread once, take the time to read through again, but out loud. Reading your content out loud can help you to hear anything you may have worded awkwardly and catch other errors you may have missed while just reading silently to yourself.

Fresh Eyes

If you aren’t in a rush, walk away from your content before posting it. Do something else for an hour and come back to your content and you will be able to see errors you may have missed the first time. Many of us have a habit of reading what should be there rather than what is there, so stepping away from your work can give you fresh eyes to see the real content.

Call in Back Up

Ask someone else to read your content before posting. They can see errors you have missed and help you clarify anything that may be confusing to someone else.

Twitter’s New Look

Like many social networks, Twitter is constantly reinventing its look, which can sometimes leave users confused. Twitter is slowly rolling out a new look, and you Twitter has probably converted automatically to the new look or will be soon. We share how to navigate the new look.


Clicking on this icon will take you Home where you can see the tweets of those you are following, the number of tweets you have sent and the number of followers you have, how many people you follow and top Trending Topics. By clicking around this area you can also see all of the tweets you have posted and also navigate to your profile page by clicking on your user name.


Clicking the Connect icon will take you to all of your Interactions. Interactions are Twitter’s new word to covered everything from retweets, to mentions, to favorited tweets. Here you can sort by interactions or just plain old mentions. In Interactions you can see when someone uses the @ sign and mentions you or starts a back and forth conversation with you. You can also see who your followers recently started following, your tweets that have been retweeted and any tweets that have been favorited. So click on connect when you want to see what everyone else is up to and who is chatting with you.


Discover is the new place to find top stories being shared on Twitter with links directly to them. Visiting Discover can be good for coming up with ideas to Tweet about or conversations to start.


Simple as it sounds, Compose is where you can draft and send new tweets. By clicking on the icon, a box will appear for your to write your tweet. This can also be done in the Home area below your username in the box that says “Compose new tweet.”

Generating Leads: Two Ways

As a GDI affiliate, you know that new business and new sign ups don’t usually happen just out of the blue. Leads are very important to signing up new team members and generating business. So, how do you get leads? One way is to win our GDI Premium Lottery where each day 3 Premium members are randomly selected and win new trial sign ups who do not yet have an affiliate sponsor. You can also purchase leads through GDI (and receive 10% off if you are a Premium member). But of course, you can always generate leads yourself, which many of you do every day with your custom built site or replicated site. Read on for two specific ways to generate your own leads online.

Your Website and Contact Form

Adding a contact form to your site is a simple way to generate leads. People can easily input their information that will go directly to your email, allowing you to follow up with anyone who has reached out to you through your site. Simple ways to get people to fill out contact forms are asking them if they would like to learn more or to leave any questions. Get creative with your contact form but don’t overstep your bounds.

Free Education and Reports

This is something you may have seen on many websites and not thought twice about it. But free reports, information, and education that you have to sign up for are usually lead generating tools for these sites. So take advantage of it for yourself. Create a small breakdown of what you have learned working with GDI and how others can benefit and offer that as a free report to anyone who requests it. You will be getting contact information from the requester and helping them to get started. Any bit of education you can offer can count as a free report, so start creating them and sharing them with your new leads!

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