Category Archives: Motivation

Motivational Monday: It Starts with Just One

The Power of One

With a downline system creating income, it can be easy forget the importance of individual members and focus solely on creating a huge team. The problem with looking at affiliate networking like this is that you can lose sight of the process. Don’t lose your motivation. While a huge team is a worthy goal, you still need to build that team one by one. Each time you add a new team member celebrate this landmark and respect your growth. Many of affiliates echo that they didn’t start out adding several new team members per day, week or even month. Instead they built their business person by person. Remember the power of one when you get discouraged and use it is your motivation. All it takes is one person at a time to propel you towards your goal.


Your goals should also respect one by one growth building on each past achievement. One way to achieve this is by setting SMART goals. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely goals. To achieve all aspects of SMART goals:

  • Select goals that are specific to what you wish to achieve. Rather than set the goal “make more money” set a specific goal of “generate 3 sign ups per week.”
  • Set goals that you can measure easily and compare to past goals.
  • Set goals that you can reach with hard work.
  • Set bigger goals that are still realistic.
  • Set goals that you can do with the time you have in the time frame you have.

Goals and growth in affiliate marketing can be achieved when you build your team one by one.

More than an Affiliate: Acting Like a Business Owner

business ownerIf you’re building Income for Life with GDI, then you’re one of our valued affiliates. You may identify yourself as a GDI affiliate, but you’re also much more than that. The affiliate opportunity with GDI gives you a chance to run your own business. We offer guidelines and assistance, but you have the freedom to run your business any way you like. For just $10 per month, GDI is a business opportunity like no other. Here are a few tips to change your view from affiliate to business owner.


To successfully build a business, you must have ownership of it. This goes beyond actual financial ownership and into the mental aspect of business. You need to own every aspect of your business from your reputation to your customer service. It’s up to you whether your business succeeds or not, so put ownership on every decision, success and failure. When you view the opportunity as something you own, you’re more likely to stick with it and succeed. Use the approach that you are your business.

Availability and Investment

If you know someone who owns a business, you know they essentially on call 24 hours a day. When you invest in something to make a living or even just extra money, you need to be available at any time to make it work. While you might not be getting calls at 5 am about a messed up shipment, you may need to take some of your personal time to assist your downline members or clear up an issue with a commission.  Set aside time each day for GDI, but also know something may pop up outside of those hours and it’s your duty to address it. Time invested in your business is time well spent.

Long View

No one starts a business with the intention of shutting it down two months later, so why take that approach to GDI? Successful affiliates will tell you that if they quit the first time they felt like it, they wouldn’t be where they are today. Look at your time with GDI as a long haul, not a chance to get rich quick. Set long term goals and mark down milestones to ensure you’re on the right track towards Income for Life.

Five Ways to Motivate Your Downline

Share Leads. Many sales people share leads to help grow their business or give another sales agent a chance to reach out to someone they might be a good fit for. GDI is not a sales organization, but this is a great practice to mimic. Give your downline a little help by sharing leads when you can.

Share Success Stories. Knowing someone who has been successful with GDI is great motivation. Don’t hesitate to tell your downline each time you have a success with GDI. Whether it’s a bonus or a new downline member share the good news!

Be Available. As someone’s upline you are their first source of support. Make it easier for your downline members to reach you by setting aside time each week when you can talk on the phone or chat online. If you go missing don’t be surprise if your downline members do too.

Start a Team. If you don’t have a team in the running for our monthly Team Bonus, then now is the time to start. If you an existing team then invite your downline members to be a part of it. You will work towards the bonus together and benefit together building trust and team success.

Create and Share Content. Create a short video about GDI that your downline can share. It will help get the word out about GDI and give your downline ready-made content to add to their site.