Category Archives: Bonuses

What is Duplication in Affiliate Marketing?

By now you’ve probably heard all about our Duplication Bonus that rewards you for growing your team, but do you know what duplication is? Here’s what it is and how it can benefit you.

What is Duplication?

When it comes to marketing your GDI opportunity and gaining new sign ups, duplication means simple and repeatable.  It means that if you truly want to grow your downline and business that the way you market the opportunity has to be easy to understand and easy for those you sign up to recreate and get new sign ups themselves. That’s why when 10 of your new downline members earn the Learning Bonus, you qualify for the Duplication Bonus. It’s a repeatable and educational way to grow your business. Aside from the bonuses, a great way that duplication can be achieved is by sharing the 7 minute movie, sharing some simple facts about GDI along with your favorite features or sharing GDI’s newest interview on Moving America Forward. It doesn’t take too much effort for your downline to share these pages to get others interested and signed up. Then your new downline members can do the same thing to grown their downline. This all adds up to duplication.


Why It’s Beneficial

It may take a little time to figure out your best duplication system, but once you do it will make your work that much easier. Duplication is beneficial because it gives those around you the simple tools to excel with GDI. Find a way of marketing that works for you, that is simple, direct and can be done by anyone, then allow your new team members to use the same marketing duplication system to build both of your downlines. So get started on a simple and duplicable marketing strategy today!


Team Bonus News

It’s beTeam Bonusen nearly five months since we started our Team Bonus and we’ve had many winners and huge payouts. May marks a new month to get your share of the Team Bonus and here are a few tips to help you work towards it.

Find the Right Team

You have the option of choosing a new team every month. This means you can try some on for size until you until you find the right match or move on whenever you need to. To find a new team, log in to your Members Area and navigate to GDI Bonuses. Select Team Bonus information under the GDI Team Bonus box and then click on View Teams. Here you can see all teams available to you. Once you have found the team you wish to be part of, select Join. A confirmation window will pop up after you do this to make sure this is the team you would like to join. When you click on Join Team a notice will be sent to that team’s leader letting them know you wish to join. The team leader then has to option to approve or refuse your request. Any requests that do not receive a response within 5 days will result in the request automatically being approved. After you’ve joined you team, you can now see team information and progress towards the bonus when you are in the Team Bonus Information area.

Just One Referral

All you need to be eligible to be part of your team’s payout if they achieve the bonus is just one converted referral. You just need one converted referral during the month to be part of the bonus payout. If your team earns the bonus, the payout is split evenly among all team members with a converted referral for the month.

Be Aware of the Multipliers

Multipliers can drastically change how much money you earn with the team bonus. Here’s how they break down:

Bronze Team (1x, standard base multiplier):

  • At least 5 people on teampremium affiliate
  • At least 1 converted signup for 5 different people on team

Silver Team (1.25x multiplier):

  • At least 5 people on team
  • At least 1 converted signup for 5 different people on team
  • At least 5 of the team’s converted signups for the month must be PREMIUM

Gold Team (1.5x multiplier):

  • At least 10 people on team
  • At least 2 converted signups for 10 different people on team

Platinum Team (1.75x multiplier):

  • At least 10 people on team
  • At least 2 converted signups for 10 different people on team
  • At least 10 of the team’s converted signups for the month must be PREMIUM

Double Diamond Team (2x multiplier):

  • At least 25 people on team
  • At least 3 converted signups for 25 different people on team

Triple Diamond Team (3x multiplier):

  • At least 25 people on team
  • At least 3 converted signups for 25 different people on team
  • At least 25 of the team’s converted signups for the month must be PREMIUM

New to GDI? Here’s What You Need to Know About the Learning Bonus

What is it?

The Learning Bonus is a $25 bonus that reward affiliates for learning more about GDI and completing some simple “get started” tasks.

How long do I have to complete it?

All new affiliates have 8 weeks from their signup date to complete all the tasks required to claim their $25 bonus. All tasks can be found in your Members Area under GDI Bonuses. You can also track your progress here.

Is it difficult?

No! The purpose of this bonus is to get you better acquainted with GDI and empower you to take control of your business. Tasks include things like setting up a .WS email address, which we promise is very easy!

Can I earn it more than once?

You cannot. However, you can benefit from your new downline members earning their Learning Bonus with the Duplication Bonus. All GDI affiliates are eligible for this bonus, no matter how long they’ve been an affiliate. Every directly referred new customer under you that gets paid their GDI Learning Bonus will count towards one check mark for your GDI Duplication Bonus. Ten check marks will earn you $250! This bonus is unlimited.