Category Archives: Advice

Stay Relevant

We talk often about keeping your site updated with new content to keep new traffic and returning traffic interested. While posting frequently is good to gain consistent traffic, what you post can also affect your traffic. Read on for a few ways to post the most relevant and topical information to keep people coming to your site.

Follow the News

See what’s in the news and how it relates to your site and your opportunity. Taking the time to follow the news and relating it to what you share on your site will show people you are invested in your business and what is going on in the world around you. A second way to benefit from this is to relate your new content to big news stories. Big news stories attract a lot of traffic online and simply relating it to your content and your business gives you a chance to have a piece of this traffic.

Follow Trends

We don’t mean get sucked into the trends but just be wise to them. Know what the new trends are in social media, in internet marketing and in sales. Research how and if these trends could benefit you. If they are something you would like to adopt you will be providing relevant and timely information while trying something new that could benefit or streamline your business.

Think Like Your Audience

A quick way to have a “stale” website online is to not know who you are talking to. Who should your website be directed to? Don’t take too much time thinking about and talking about your competitors, this will turn people of to your site. Instead direct your content and your site voice towards the people you want to be visiting your site.

Targeted Traffic

One way to help build your downline is to ensure the traffic that your site is getting is targeted. While growing numbers of visits to your page are great on their own, you want these visits to convert to people signing up with your team. The best way to do this is to ensure those people visiting your site are targeted. This means they have an interest in what is on your site and want to not only visit your site but browse and return. Read on for our tips to help you gain some targeted traffic.


To get people to stay on your site, share or return, there needs to be a consistent schedule for updating your site. This is true whether you have your site set up mainly as a blog or just a simple website. Visitors have a desire to know the most up to date information on your team and GDI, but also that there is someone actively working on this page. Decide on an update schedule that works for you, like once every week or every 3 days and stick to it. Visitors will see an active page and be more inclined to come back and learn more.

Write for Your Audience

This is a tip that can be used for any website. Write for who you want to visit the site. Looking for engaged, energized new team members? Make you writing mirror this energy. If you’re looking for people new to the world of network marketing just trying to understand before they join, write for them. It’s a truly simple tip that can make a world of difference.

Participate in Discussions

We talked recently about building your online identity and reputation and this tip follows that. Take the time to participate in forums and comment thoughtfully on blogs and websites other than your own. When done well these comments and posts may drive people to your site looking to learn more about what you have to say.

Write Short to Keep Attention

When it comes to reading information online, people tend to have a short attention span. Think of how often you get distracted while checking out a site! Cater to this with short posts or posts that are broken up will smaller paragraphs or bullets. When people make their way to your site, you want them to stay on, stay interested and convert, and too much text can be too intimidating for this to happen.

How to you gain targeted traffic?

Refocus and Set New Goals After a Setback

We’ve already talked this week about the importance of focus. As long as you make it a priority, it is easy to focus on your business, your goals and your outcomes. However, it can be very easy to lose focus when things don’t exactly go the way you planned. Your focus can be shaken after a slow month, a slow start or losing some downline members. Read our tips for keeping your focus during setbacks.


It may not seem like the perfect time for anything, but a setback is a great time to refocus. Examine your goals and focus on the steps you need to take and what you might need to change to achieve them. Also take the time to focus on and learn from what may have caused your setback. Were you very hands-off this month? Did you ignore your downline? Focus on what needs to be done to shake off the setback and move forward.

Don’t Dabble

While it may make sense to have your hands in a few different opportunities to see which one takes off, chances are, none will. To be successful you need to focus your efforts on building your business to just one business. Did you have a slow month because you were focused on starting another opportunity? It is important to truly work to build your business and not just sign up for opportunity after opportunity without really putting in the time needed to succeed.

Move Forward

Shake off the setback and move forward! Focus on the future not that one bad month.