Category Archives: Advice

Tips for Affiliate Marketing Beginners

Here are four quick tips for our beginners to help you build Income for Life.

Be a People Person

Affiliate marketing, network marketing, whatever you call it, it’s all about people. When you start with GDI you shouldn’t be looking to just put whoever in your downline, you should be consciously building a strong team. The difference is that a team will work to help each member succeed and keep the success going. To build a team you need to be a people person. This means really connect with the people you want to add to your team and get to know them.  As you take the time to talk with potential team members you will quickly learn who is in it for the long haul or who might quit after one month. Build your team with people interested in being successful together and staying with GDI.

Expand Your Network

Many beginners with GDI often turn to their friends and their family first to sign them up. While this may work for some people, this can often backfire. Don’t attack your friends and family with the opportunity. These people will always be there, and if they do show interest, work with them, but there’s no need to brow beat your friends and family with the opportunity. If you don’t get immediate excitement from your close circle, it’s OK, move one.

You need to step a bit out of your comfort zone to build new networks and get connected with others. Reach out to old coworkers, local small business owners and entrepreneurs. They might be interested in GDI and they might put you in contact with people in their network. Don’t leave GDI just because mom and dad don’t want to sign up, branch out and tap into huge numbers of people.

Schedule Yourself

Many people begin working with GDI and building Income for Life while they are still employed. GDI can be a great source of “extra” income, but be sure to schedule time to build your business of you will never see this income. Set aside time each day or week specifically for GDI to build your business and network. GDI can be done anytime, just make the time for it!

Be Patient

This is a tip we often hear from very successful affiliates: be patient. These affiliates often say that if they had given up in their first week, month or even year when things got hard, they wouldn’t be as successful as they are today. You may start off slow or have slow weeks, but be patient, stick with it and get creative. Just $10 is one of the smallest investments in a business you can make, stick with it and work hard and you’ll start to see results.

I Don’t Want a Domain

As you market your opportunity and the GDI products, you will encounter people with many different needs. Some may want a domain and not be interested in the affiliate program, other may want their own personal email address, while others still may see no need for a domain at all. How do you market to these people? How do you get someone on board who does not see the power in having their own domain name? We share three tips.


The simplest response to someone who does not want their own domain is to explain the power of a personalized domain. A domain gives you the unique opportunity to brand yourself, your business and your future. At $10 per month, GDI gives people of all levels and abilities the opportunity to build their own website, have 10 personalized email addresses and maintain their own personalized domain. Whether it is on social media or email, people are advertising for other companies each time they access the internet. They are and Why not take the opportunity to be and advertise YOU and build your own online experience. Having an online presence is extremely important and the more personalized, the better.

Affiliate Opportunity

GDI offers a great affiliate opportunity and some of our affiliates do not take advantage of the products, but solely the opportunity. Many people are interested in building their business and may or may not be interested in building a website themselves. Simply market GDI as the great affiliate opportunity it is and explain to people they don’t have build their website to build their team, but it will help them if they do.

Email Services

While someone may not be interested in a domain, email services are something we all need. GDI allows you a personalized email address unlike any other. Instead of you can be giving the a great opportunity for branding whether you’re building your business or reaching out to others, your personalized email will stand out.

Getting Ahead as a New Affiliate Marketer

In many industries, the most successful people have been around for quite some time and for good reason. When one finds success in a business, it’s smart to stay and keep growing that success, which in turn attracts more business. This can be discouraging for anyone just starting out. Luckily as a GDI affiliate you don’t have to be the most experienced or with GDI the longest to build Income for Life. Take advantage of what you do well, whether it’s building relationships or building websites, to develop your business quickly as a beginner.

You Don’t Have to Be an Expert

There are many things you will learn about network marketing just from experience, so don’t worry about being an expert on everything right away. Instead take the time to focus on the relationships you build. Invest just as much time into your team and potential team members as you do into learning about GDI. Building and investing in relationships as you build your network with help people to feel comfortable with you and trust you. People will be more likely to do business with someone they trust.

Build Your Site

If you’re not the best with building personal relationships, you can still succeed with GDI. A well designed, functional site can make up for any issues you have relating to people. Let your site do the talking for you when it comes to building your team.

Take the time to create the best site possible based on your skill level. If you’ve never created any sort of site before, try out the GDI SiteBuilder. It offers great looking templates and can help you get a site up in no time. If you want a more customizable look, try our WordPress plugin. Though WordPress is most often used for blog you can build out your WordPress site to be just about anything you want depending on the theme, widgets and layout you use. We also offer hosting, giving you the ultimate power over what kind of site you create.

Create a Community

Don’t make communication a one way street. Encourage your downline to reach out to you and to each other. Opening these lines of communication can help people feel like they belong to a community, making them less likely to just walk away. Establish relationships across your team by creating groups on Facebook, and Google+ or even having a weekly email conversation or team webinar with everyone. Creating a community keeps people involved and investing in building Income for Life for all involved.