Tag Archives: lub website navigation

5 Lub tswv yim rau koj lub tsev ib lub Website vam meej

Tips for building a successful website

Koj qhov website yuav tsum muab ib cim extension neb thiab showcase koj lub lag luam los yog affiliate txuj. Thaum koj lub website yuav tsum tau saib txawv dua li lwm tus los sawv, muaj ib co ntsiab universal tsim kom nco ntsoov thaum tsev kawm ntawv koj muaj. Read on to learn our tips for building a zoo lub website.

Lub website Navigation

Mus nyob ib ncig ntawm koj qhov chaw no heev ib qho tseem ceeb rau qhua. Koj puas tau xyuas ib lub website thiab twb tsis tau mus nrhiav tau yam koj xav tau thiab thaub? Tsis txhob cia txoj kev uas muab koj lub website. Xav muab koj tej ntaub ntawv tseem ceeb thiab thiaj li tsis ncav rau lub ntsiab yuav tsaws–rau sab uas tus neeg coj mus ua ntej thaum lawv ntaus ntawv rau koj sau. No txoj kev uas neeg yuav nco ntsoov saib zoo li cas lawv xav tau yog tias tsis txhaj ib ncig. Txawm li cas los, Yog hais tias tus neeg yuav tsum tau tuaj xyuas ob peb nplooj ntawv rau ntawm qhov chaw koj, kom yooj yim rau luag. Siv ib navigation saum toj kawg nkaus kom neeg yuav saib lawv muaj kev xaiv. Tseem nco ntsoov tias cov neeg yooj yim tau rov qab mus rau qhov home page uas txhaj koj lub logo rau txhua sab ntawm koj lub website saum.

Duab thiab lub ntsiab lus

Koj twb paub hais dluab tseem ceeb mus tsim lub website, thiaj li tsis zoo li cas peb nyob nraum tawm tswv yim txog ntawm no. Qhov koj yuav tau xav txog yog li cas thaum cov dluab tsis thauj khoom. Sib txuas rau kom qeeb thiab nyob loading yuam kev yuav nco nws kom cov neeg ua tib zoo xaiv images koj xaiv yuav tsis tshwm rau tej kev koj qhua. Dab tsi yuav koj lub website zoo li lawv tsis muaj? Koj qhua tseem muaj peev xwm nkag siab txog zaj dabneeg uas koj niaj hnub? Siv cov dluab yuav muab rau koj zaj dabneeg rau koj yuav tsaws lub ntsiab, tsis txob qhiab tus tseem tshaj plaws. Tseem nco ntsoov npe koj dluab zoo ces koj tus qhua yuav to taub zoo li cas cov duab no thiab yuav txawm hais tias nws tsis thauj khoom.

Txawb lub Website

Tus loj npaum li cas sawv daws tsheb khiav mus rau lawv lub website yog neej mobile pab kiag li lawm–tej kwv hais ze rau tawv taub 50%! Qhov no txhais tau tias neeg yeej mus saib koj qhov chaw rau cov ntsiav tshuaj, smartphones, thiab lwm yam me me li. Koj tsis tas yuav mus yuav ib tug ntawm tsev kws muaj txuj los optimize koj chaw rau txawb, tiam sis koj yuav tau siv sij hawm los xyuas seb koj zoo li cas ntawm mobile li thiab kho kom haum. WordPress thiab cov kev pab zoo xws li cov muaj ib plugin uas koj yuav tau ntxiv rau koj qhov chaw uas tsim ib ntxuav mobile version, uas koj mus saib tau ib lub website hauv ib txoj kev txheem yooj yim. Yog koj nyob nraum tsis siv ib yam ntawm cov kev pab no, tsuas nco ntsoov ua kom dlua tus quav kawm ntawd yog tias ua tau, lub ntsiab lus koj cov ntsiab lus tseem ceeb tshaj plaws zoo li nyob koj phab tsis scroll. Feem ntau qhov no yuav xyuas kom meej tias no tib yam ntaub ntawv tseem ceeb yuav haum mus rau qhov kev tshuaj ntsuam thaum saib koj qhov chaw nyob ib tug dais mobile. Los xyuas kom tag nrho navigation tshuab raj kev tshwm rau txawb. Nws tsis yog, muab hloov tus margins kom koj qhov chaw yog li nqaim thiab apt kom haum rau ib qho screen mobile me me.


Nias hauv qab no kom paub seb koj yuav pib txiav nyiaj tam sim no nrog Affiliate ua li rau GDI!

affiliate li

Dab tsi ua rau kom muaj ib lub Website Great?

What makes for a great website

GDI muab koj nrog rau koj qhov chaw nyob hauv internet rau lub neej, uas yuav ua tau lub tsev rau koj lub website. Koj qhov website thaum koj lub koob npe nrov hauv internet thiab cov nyiaj thiab lub sij muaj koj tus kheej hauv internet, yog li koj xav kom nws sawv cev rau koj zoo. Tab sis, ua li cas thiaj txog ib qhov website muaj ntau? Nyeem ntawv rau kev tsim, mam li mus ua hauj lwm rau koj qhov chaw nyob hauv internet rau lub neej.


Rau ib qhov website los pab yuav, your website needs to provide something–ib pab, ib yam khoom, zaj dabneeg. Cov ntaub ntawv mus kom zoo dua qhov no yuav ua li cas yog yuam. Yog tias koj muag ib yam khoom, Nco ntsoov qhia rau koj qhov website qhua txog nws cov nyiaj poob haujlwm, nqe, thiab seb lawv yuav txais. Yog tias koj muag ib pab, muab cov ntaub ntawv tib. Qhia ib zaj dabneeg? Muab cov lus qhia raws li yog vim li cas cov dab neeg no tseem ceeb. Ua zoo kom tag nrho cov lus qhia no yog ib qho yooj yim mus nrhiav tau. Yog cov qhua koj nrhiav tsis tau qhov no rau koj lub website sai sai, koj yuav ceev nrooj poob lawv.


Tam sim no koj twb tau koob xwm hauv koj lub website, tiam sis ua tib neeg kis tau li cas rau nws? Navigation yog qhov tseem ceeb rau cov neeg nyob hauv koj lub website thiab tsis zoo siv nws. Qhov no txhais tau hais tias muaj kev menus thiab tshuab raj ua ib lub npe. Nws yog ib lub tswv yim zoo uas muaj tshuab raj ua ib lub npe li no: hais txog, yam khoom / kev pab, thiab sib cuag. Lwm lub npe kuj yuav tsim nyog, tab sis cov no yog cov yooj yim kev tu ncua ntawm tej lub website. Tsis txhob mislead nrog koj cov menus lub npe. Mus xyuas tej yam uas koj nyiam cov websites thiab saib seb cov navigation xwb, ces thov qhov no mus rau koj qhov chaw.


Cov dluab yog tau kom cov neeg uas nrog nrog koj lub website. Ntxiv cov dluab twg nws yuav ua rau kev txiav txim zoo. Qhia tus neeg koj khoom. Muaj ib cov duab ntawm koj tus kheej los yog pab neeg nrog koj nyob rau hauv "Hais txog peb" koj lub website. Sim siv tus zoo zoo, rooj siab duab koj yuav nrhiav tau. Ib cov duab tsis zoo yuav ua rau koj nrhiav unprofessional thiab yuav ua rau neeg tawm hauv koj lub website.

Yog hais tias koj tsis siv koj cov dluab, xyuas kom koj muaj txoj cai yuav siv tau ceraint duab rau hauv koj lub website thiab muab credit thiab attribution thaum twg xav tau. Nrhiav duab los siv rau hauv koj lub website? Sim Muab kev Commons—tsuas nco ntsoov xyuas cov kev cai thiab cov cai ntawm cov duab ua ntej koj siv rau koj lub website.

Ntsiab lus

Raws li peb twb tau hais nyob rau hauv ntau posts, ntsiab lus yog qhov tseem ceeb. Cov ntawv zoo heev li lus, tab sis, nrog rau kev haum nyob zoo. Ntaub ntawv qhia qhov qhia txog dab tsi koj cov qhua lub website yuav tsum paub txog, tab sis cov ntawv thaum cov dab neeg. Cov ntsiab lus zoo yuav tsum muab lo lus tseem ceeb nplua nuj thiab nthuav. Qhov no yuav tsum tau cov dab neeg uas pab txhawb koj tus lag luam, qhia koj tau zoo, thiab tso tau saib koj cov txuj ci cim. Daig rau cov ntawv kom sau zoo li cas? Xav hais tias ua li cas koj yeej zoo siab nyeem ntawv los yog zoo li cas ntawm cov websites koj nyiam. Ces sim kom tsim tau cov ntawv uas qhov no.