Tag Archives: Ntsiab

Ua li utility

Kev tawm gives affiliates caij nyoog unprecedented rau lawv tus kheej nyob rau txoj kev uas tsis txhob muaj ua ntej market. Koj yuav xa mus rau txhiab tus neeg ntawm Twitter xuab vib nas this thiab tuam kiv cua thiab phooj ywg rau koj yeej tsis paub Facebook existed. Tab sis qhov yooj yim rau kev tawm yuav ua tau ib cov ntaj edged dua zaum ob. Tweeting thiab xo tag nrho ib hnub night yuav tua cov followers thiab tseem tau koj tus ntawv ua ib spammer. Tweeting thiab ntaus tej ncauj lus hauv ntau daim forms uas tsis muaj zoo yog tias koj tsis nyob nraum koom cov ntawv uas xav luag yuav nrog.

Yuav tsum tsis txhob muaj cov pitfalls, xyaum yam hu li cas ua li company thaum nws tawm mus sib tawm. Utility marketing txhais tau tias kev siv koj lub suab nyob hauv tej forums nyob rau hauv ib txoj kev uas yuav ua pab rau lwm tus thiab muab lawv tej yam lawv yuav siv tsis tau. Qhov no txhais tau tias koj tweets thiab posts yuav tsum nco ntsoov taw yuav nyog ib retweet los yog sib koom los sis spark tej kev sib tham. Tshaj tawm hauv ua ntej ces koj xov koj cov lus rau ntiaj teb, nug koj tus kheej li cas lwm tus yuav siv los yog siv los ntawm koj nyob nraum sib dab tsi.

Pushbacks thiab yuav teb li cas

Kuv mus txog ntawm kuv tus kheej Network thiab tsis muaj leej twg muaj lawm mus sib cuag

Yog hais tias koj xav kawm tau ntawv zoo nyob rau txhua yam kev ua lag ua luam, koj yuav tsum tau muaj tswv yim thiab ua tau hauj lwm los ntawm cov sij hawm tawv no laub rov hu uas koj yuav tau muaj tswv yim. Yog li koj twb ncaim ntawm koj twb tsim, Network, ces dab tsi!? GDI yog hais txog kev tsim cov tes hauj lwm tshiab thiab kev sib txuas kom los nrog rau tej kev muaj tswv yim yuav nyiam cov neeg tshiab thiab sim ua rau peb li ib co.

LinkedIn: Xa mus rau tus neeg koj puas tau ua hauj lwm nrog thiab nrhiav rau coob tus neeg hauv network li, affiliate ua li los ua li internet, qhov no yog koj yuam demographic tsev koj network. Nrhiav rau ib pawg ntawm cov xai kom zoo thiab network hauv internet!

Twitter: Nrhiav #networkmarketing thiab network marketing li tweets thiab profiles, cov neeg uas nkag siab rau kev ua lag luam thiab tej zaum yuav nrhiav lawv sawv daws loj tom ntej no.

Qhov chaw ua hauj lwm thiab cov txheej xwm tshua: Nyob rau hauv ib cov tawv economy, rau cov txheej xwm nkawd zoo nkauj heev li txhua leej txhua tus ua yog tau kev pom rau hauv ib lub lag luam tshiab venture los lawv muaj lawv lub network. Mus koom cov txheej xwm, tham nrog cov neeg thiab muab kev ncaj ncees hais txog koj tej yaam puab paub thiab motives. Koj muaj ib lub lag luam sib faib, kho nws xws li.

Kuv tsis xav kuas nyuas siv zug

Txawm li cas los loj me me, txhua yam uas lub sij hawm ntawm nyiaj txiag yuav scary rau ib tug tshiab prospect. Yog hais tias koj muaj ib tug neeg yog tiag thawb rov qab peb pom zoo:

Phij cuam phaib: Phaib GDI yuav khoom plig pub koj muab cov khoom ntawm GDI rau cov neeg uas xav tau ib tug sau, los yog qhov no, xav pib nrog GDI, tab sis tsis yog npaj kuas nyuas siv zug. Qhov khoom plig phaib muab tau rau 1, 3, los sis 6 lub hli. Nco ntsoov ua raws feem ntau cov neeg uas tau txais khoom plig phaib!

Tus 7 Hnub Trial dawb: Peb lossis loj li uas yog tseem cia li zoo. Vim li cas ho tsis muab neeg lub sij hawm tau txais lawv ko taw npliag nrog GDI rau 7 hnub thiab mam li txiav txim siab? Nco ntsoov hais qhia rau cov neeg ntawm tag nrho cov GDI tau muab thiab txawm tias "qhia lawv nyob ib ncig ntawm" uas muaj koj tus kheej cov yeeb yaj duab los yog peb cov Tutorials GDI.

Tsis yog no ib lub tswvyim hauv?

Tib neeg feem ntau hais no thaum referring rau tus qauv ntawm network li. Txawm li cas los, network marketing is much like any other business. GDI operates with one person at the top, npaum li ib tug CEO, Yog koj! No "hauv" ces expands mus rau theem ntawm lwm tus kom nws, npaum li cov neeg ua hauj lwm. Thiab cov neeg uas tau txais nyob rau thaum ua tau tshaj cov nyiaj.

Tsuas muaj network li qauv thiab txawv tus txheem neeg tsa ntawm tej lag luam hnub no yog tias koj yog koj tus kheej CEO. Koj pib rau saum thiab lawv muaj nqes, pab lwm tus ua ib yam.

Hom Setbacks thiab cov kev daws

Ib lub hlis qeeb

Puas yog koj thawj lub hlis los koj twb tau nrog GDI lub xyoo, ib lub hlis qeeb yog ua txhua yam li every tam sim no thiab ces. Qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws ua thaum zoo li no uas yog tsis tau poob siab. Qhov no yog ib qhov teeb meem loj rau peb affiliates tshiab uas pib me ntsis slow tawm ntawm lub rooj vag, tab sis tsis txhob txhawj, Nws yog hom thiab cov neeg uas muaj kev ruaj ntseg cias ua siab. Muab ib lub hlis qeeb li ib daim ntawv uas koj yuav tsum tau hloov koj li los yog tus uas zoo los tsuas tau muab ntau teev rau hauv koj ua hauj lwm. Cov no yuav yeej them. Nco ntsoov, Thaum koj koom tes nrog GDI, koj tsim no koj tus kheej ua lag ua luam. Yog hais tias tus tiag tiag ua lag ua luam tau ib lub hlis qeeb los yog ob tug yuav lawv nyuam qhuav qhia cia? Tsis yog, lawv yuav tau kho thiab thawb rau pem hauv ntej, raws li qhov yuav tsum tau koj. Thiab nco ntsoov txog qhov “peev” mus pib kom tau koj tus kheej ua lag ua luam nrog GDI yog ib feem me me quav uas zoo li cas ces yuav tau pib ib lub lag luam uas tawm ntawm nws. Yog li ua tau hauj lwm mus txog lub hlis qeeb thiab lo nrog nws.

Koj nyob nraum tsis Computer txawj xav thiab ntse

GDI yog paub hais tias chim tshaj plaws li rau lub sijhawm no tshwm sim hauv internet, tsis yog txhua txhua tus affiliates yog nyob rau tib theem txawj thaum nws tawm mus tsim ib lub website thiab hauv internet marketing. Yog vim li cas GDI muaj npe tus caj ntawm no koj sau koj tus kheej qhov chaw thiab market yooj yim, yuav tsis muaj qhov kev paub txog keeb kwm yav dhau. Los ua koj tus kheej kev looking chaw muaj me ntsis kev paub, cias teev nyob rau hauv cheeb tsam koj neeg thiab ces SiteBuilder. SiteBuilder yuav coj koj mus txog lub creation ntawm koj qhov chaw kauj ruam yog kauj ruam, thov koj input lus, xaiv ib layout thiab ib template, pab tau koj los ua koj tus kheej qhov chaw yooj yim. GDI kuj muaj “mus rau ntawm lub box” cov cuab yeej los pab koj nrog tsis xav ua li ib los sis advertising degree cias market. Cov cuab yeej xws li npaj ntxiv banners, nyees khawm thiab tsos raws li peb tus Inviter uas yuav xa email invitations rau koj lub sijhawm rau koj.

Tsis tau tod koj Upline

Yog ib tus tuav kom tau ib tug zoo network marketing venture yog kev sib txuas lus thiab ib pab neeg uas zoo. Cov no yog qhov nyuaj los tau yog hais tias koj tsis tau txais tod koj upline. Mus combat no, peb qhia koj txog txhua yam ntawm koj lub upline cuag. Tsuas tau teev rau hauv koj cov neeg cheeb tsam thiab nias rau ntawm Upline nyob rau hauv cov navigation laug tes rau cov ntaub ntawv no. Koj txawm yuav lub taub hau lawm mus nyob tham mus pib thiab instant sib tham nrog cov neeg upline los yog downline rau koj uas muaj. Thaum kawg, Nco ntsoov mus ua ib tug zoo, miv upline koj tus kheej!

Dab tsi setbacks tau koj los ntawm kev ua haujlwm nrog GDI?