Tag Archives: IDN purchase

Vim IDNs yog heev thiaj li tseem ceeb: Tus feeb xeem lus tseeb

Koj yuav tau mus no blog vim tias koj to taub tias cas ib lossis loj sib IDNs muaj, tiam sis li cas ua koj kev uas muaj lus rau lwm tus. IDNs zoo li tsis muaj dab tsi ua ntej thiab ua hauv internet ntiaj teb no tiag. Raws li ICANN lub rooj zaum, IDNs muaj "biggest kev hloov mus rau hauv internet txij thaum nws tsim ws." Ces nws yog to taub tias tej zaum koj yuav muaj ib lub caij nyuaj dab tau peev thiab ntiaj teb no kev loj hlob nrog IDNs kom ib txhia prospects. Yog vim li cas peb muaj nyob rau ib txhia yooj yim kev cov ntsiab lus hauv qab no los pab kom koj qhia txog vim li cas txhua leej txhua tus yuav tsum tau investing nyob IDNs.

IDNs yog ib qho yooj yim thoob ntiajteb peev

Cov toj roob hauv pes hloov investing thiab globalization, txoj kev zoo tshaj rau koj kom koj yog tus ib feem ntawm qhov kev ua si yav tom ntej no yog los sib piv cov nqi thiab market tas. Cov tsam thawj feem ntau ua qhov no yog heev kim heev thiab tsis yooj yim rau leej twg xwb los ua qhov chaw, .ws IDNs yeej tsis muaj ib. IDNs pub koj muas lub thoob ntiajteb sau rau amazingly Carnival uas nyuam qhuav tau cheaper yim koj yuav nyob www.worldsite.ws. Rau ib tug me me nqi koj yuav muaj ib daim thoob ntiajteb realty.

IDNs uas ntej cov nkhaus

Txawm tias qhov kev siv of IDNs tau pom zoo los ntawm qhov internet governing cev, ICANN nyob lig 2009, cov tuam txhab tsis tau muaj lub peev xwm coj kom zoo dua lawv li GDI. Peb muaj lub npe nrog rau li cas rau cov cuab yeej los yuav tau coj kom zoo dua daim ntawv qhia txog cov IDNs uas nrhiav tau momentum xwb thiab poised yuav tawg. Ze li ntawm cov lag luam uas kom cov neeg kawm lus Askiv hais lus hauv internet siv, tab sis lwm haiv lus ib yam li cov Suav thiab Arabic uas loj hlob sai. IDNs pub koj yuav nyob rau lub forefront ntawm no loj hlob thiab capitalize tau muab rau ib tug nqi tsawg tsawg.

IDNs tsis muaj fad

IDNs tsis yog ib tug fad, but an offering that finally meets the needs of millions of internet users. Mus txog ntua, leej twg los leej twg xav mus saib hauv internet yuav tsum tau ntaus ntawv rau qhov chaw nyob ib lub website ntawm roman cim lawv qhov chaw nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no tsis hais leej twg los yog cov lus uas lawv hais. Xav txog tej tam sim no yam li cas koj cov sij hawm uas niaj hnub ua yuav ruam me ntsis ntxiv tag yog hais tias koj yuav tsum ntaus ntawv nyob rau hauv qhov chaw saib koj nyiam nyob hauv Suav lub cim. IDNs yuav hloov qhov no luag txoj kev uas tus txheejtxheem hauv internet. Mus txog ib qhov system punycode uas tau tsim ib cov cai siv roman cim rau yam lus cim, sawv daws muaj tam sim no ntaus ntawv sau npe nyob rau hauv lawv cov lus kom nkag tau rau hauv internet.

Thiaj tau koj IDNs hnub no, May 28th pib thaum 6 pm PST rau www.worldsite.ws

Yuav nhriav tonight tus webinar ntawm IDNs rau: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/926251435

Sib koom sib IDN nrog koj Network

Yog hais tias koj muaj li cas txog tej kev thiab tus nrhiav noj kom zoo dua rau IDN caij nyoog tagkis vim nco fais fab rau nws saib koj, congrats. Yog hais tias koj twb twb soj qab no blog, tuaj rau webinars thiab tuag nrog peb nyob Facebook thiab Twitter koj thiaj pom tias GDI IDNs yog ib lub caij zoo li tsis muaj lwm yam. Tsis doubt no yog kev sib koom nrog rau tag nrho cov nyob hauv koj lub network. Peb twb tau nrog cov haib tshaj qhov chaw ntawm lub sawv daws hauv qab no rau koj network tau lawv ntawm board thiab kom sawv daws paub reaping cov kev pab cuam ntawm IDNs.


GDI IDNs offer you a direct opportunity to receive commissions on IDN sales. Tav twg leejtwg hauv koj lub downline yuav muaj IDN, koj khwv tau 10% cov uas yuav muaj tsib qib. IDNs cov websites haib uas muaj tiag thoob ntiajteb, thiab tus puav ntxiv koj network yuav yuav tsim muaj nyias daim realty thoob ntiajteb, cov nyiaj tau los ntau tshaj koj sawv mus khwv tau. Yog tseem sib yuav ua tau nyiaj ntau dua ntawd twb nrog cov muag khoom qhov kawg ntawm ib IDN txawm tias yog koj los yog ib tug neeg nyob hauv koj lub network nrog peb sai tau launched IDN auction site.

Nyiaj residual

Ua haujlwm tau besides cia nyiaj commission, yog ib feem ntawm qhov IDN sijhawm txhais hais tias koj muaj lub sij hawm mus khwv tau nyiaj residual. Qhov no xwb ib yam li cov tshuaj GDI zov qib teem, tab sis pub rau cov payouts loj., koj muaj lub sij hawm mus khwv tau commission txhua time someone in your downline renews their IDN. Txawm tias nws yuav zoo dua, tus IDN no kuj yog ntiaj teb no tiag, ua koj tus pas recruitment txawm muaj loj.


GDI muaj koj "Koj hauv Internet nyob rau neej" thiab muab kev sib IDN yog tsis kos rau qhov no. Tus IDN yuav tsis tsuas nrog koj nyob txawm lub tuam txhab tab sis txawm lub teb chaws uas yog lawv lub ntiaj teb no tiag.

Thoob ntiajteb

Investing ntiaj teb no yog ib qhov uas muaj tseeb xwb los diversify nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb no kev economy. IDNs yog ib peev ntiaj teb no uas koj yuav tsis tsuas nyiaj, tab sis, to taub. IDNs populations thoob plaws lub ntiaj teb no thiab tiag .ws txhais WorldSite.

Nco ntsoov koj tsim nyog coj kom zoo dua qhov sawv daws thiab muab nws qhia rau koj lub network. Hwjxwm debut rau ntawm GDI IDNs lub rau hli ntuj 28th thaum 6 pm PST.

Tsim kev IDN

Yog koj tsis xyuas www.WorldSite.ws mus saib hauv cov yees duab IDN, xav paub ntau ntxiv txog cov IDNs thiab nrhiav rau koj qhov chaw, Head tag muaj tam sim no! Tsis txhob qhaj tawm on no amazing sawv daws.

Tus IDN yog dab tsi?

Internationalized sau npe, los yog IDNs raws li lawv muaj feem ntau hu, yog cov sau npe xws li siv cov cim nyob rau hauv lub zos haiv lus uas tsis sau ntawv NEESNKAUM rau ntawm tus niam ntawv Latin txhua qhov yooj yim. Tus IDN yuav muaj cov ntawv roman lossis dub tau cov cim ntawm cov-roman scripts Arabic los suav.

Dab tsi ua li no rau kuv phem?

Lub website yuav nyiam koj xav. Tam sim no xav uas yooj yim npaum li cas yog koj ua tau pab rau hauv tsev kawm ntawv ntawd, siv koj cov keyboard txheem. Yooj yim, txoj cai? Qhov tseeb yog, Yog koj nug txog leej twg lwm thaj teb cov lus nug no tib, tej zaum koj yuav tau teb sib txawv deb, tshwj xeeb Yog koj nug tus neeg uas tshwm rau ntawm ib hom lus uas tsis yog cim tsoos roman.

Dab tsi yog qhov phem rau kuv ua lag ua luam?

America no lawm uas nrog cov neeg hauv internet, thiab .com. Mus txog ntua, leej twg los leej twg xav mus saib hauv internet yuav tsum tau ntaus ntawv rau qhov chaw nyob ib lub website ntawm roman cim lawv qhov chaw nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no tsis hais leej twg los yog cov lus uas lawv hais. Xav txog tej tam sim no yam li cas koj cov sij hawm uas niaj hnub ua yuav ruam me ntsis ntxiv tag yog hais tias koj yuav tsum ntaus ntawv nyob rau hauv qhov chaw saib koj nyiam nyob hauv Suav lub cim. IDNs yuav hloov qhov no luag txoj kev uas tus txheejtxheem hauv internet.

Cas yuav GDI tuaj ua si?

  • GDI yog lub npe rau cov websites .ws. .ws rooj muag rau ntiaj teb chaw. Hos yog distinctively American .com, .ws yog distinctively thoob ntiajteb. Tsis muaj dab tsi xa cov xov ntawm lub sijhawm uas muaj IDNs heev li sau saum theem uas txhais tau tias ntiaj teb chaw. .ws puav muaj puas siv tau hla lub ntiaj teb.
  • Kev taw qhia txog IDNs tsim ib qhov kev hloov thiab amazing caij nyoog tsis zoo li tej pom txij thawj hauv internet. Muaj ib qhov av virtual maj rau rau cov sau npe tshiab nyob rau txawv teb chaws cim. Bank of America muas loans.com rau 3 lab las rov qab rau hauv 2000. Xav rau txog tej yam yog dab tsi uas yuav muag rau hauv 2011 nyob rau hauv suav, Thaib, Lavxias thiab beyond.

Nyob rau peb posts yog xav paub ntxiv txog qhov sawv daws muaj amazing tuned, muab mus nyob rau lub rau hli ntuj 28th!