kawm ntxiv: Txuas mus txog qhovtwg

Txog rau hnub Friday peb tham txog tej kev peb cuab yeej sib nyiam, nyob ib leeg bitly. bitly is a link tracking and shortening service that tells you who is clicking your links and when. Cov lus no muaj tseem ceeb heev rau koj khom lub tsheb tawm tsav tsheb zoo li cas koj nyob nraum tsheb, Yog hais tias koj cov ntsiab lus no kom neeg nrog thiab yog hais tias qhov kev mus saib tau koj cov inviting. bitly thiab tej zoo li nws yog qhov tseem ceeb kom zoo tsim thiab tswj koj cov ntawv thiab cov kev mus.

Thankfully, txuas mus txog qhovtwg cov cuab yeej no heev yooj yim mus use, thiab xwb mas yuav tsum muaj ntawv sau npe ceev. Lawv cia koj ua tau pab kom, qhia thiab taug qab mus. Tsis zoo li qhov kev pab cuam analytics, txuas mus txog qhovtwg chaw cia koj taug qab mus los ntau li ntau websites li koj puas xav vuag. Cov chaw ua hauj lwm los tsim kom tau ib qhov shortened txuas rau qhov URL koj luam thiab paste rau hauv lawv cov kev pab cuam. Thaum lub shortened txuas yog tsim los ntawm koj yuavtsum URL koj mam li siv ntawd qhov txuas shortened, uas yuav nrhiav tau tej yam zoo li no: http://ow.ly/qtlro qhov twg koj yuav nyiam thiab saib ntawm lub sij hawm hnub clicks. Cov zog cov kev mus ua kom zoo li tsis tu ncua URLs.

Nrhiav qhov txuas no yuav pab kom pom zoo npaum koj txuas tau lawm clicked, cas tus nyiam tuaj nias zaug tau thiab clicks hla lub sij hawm ntev xav ntau lub hlis. Koj yuav muab cov ntaub ntawv hauv qhov txuas no qhov chaw qhia thiab pom zoo li cas ntawm cov ntsiab lus uas koj nyob nraum sib koom tau ntau lub clicks thiab li cas lub sij hawm kom koj posting ntsiab lus cov qhua koj yuav nyiam. Txuas mus txog qhovtwg chaw tseem poj Twitter thiab lwm qhov chaw micro blogging nrog luag qhov chaw raws li cov kev pab no yuav ua rau kev txawm tias lub ntev mus luv npaum li cas.

Piv txwv kev muaj txuas nrhiav chaw kuaj kom paub:

bitly- http://bitly.com/

TweetBurner- http://tweetburner.com/

Me quav URL- http://tinyurl.com/

Ow.ly- http://ow.ly/url/shorten-url


One thought on “Learn More: Txuas mus txog qhovtwg”

sau ntawv cia

Koj qhov chaw nyob yuav tsis raug luam tawm. Yuav tsum tau teb yog cim *