Sib tham nrog lub GDI Affiliate

Peb nquag tau thov ntawv pov thawj rau cov neeg succeeding nrog GDI, thiab peb paub tseeb tias hais tias muaj ntau ntau. GDI muaj ntau lub affiliates zoo thiab peb nyiam showcase lawv thaum peb muaj lub sij hawm. Hauv qab no koj yuav nrhiav tau lub peev peb puas tau ib pliag rov nrog affiliate Mary Tomaszewski. Xav paub ntau ntxiv txog ntawm nws hauv qab. Yog hais tias koj xav muab koj cov dab neeg GDI, cia peb lub ceeb toom nyob rau hauv cov lus nrog rau koj lub npe thiab yog vim li cas.

Ntev li cas koj tau nrog GDI?

Txij thaum lub ib hlis ntuj 2010

Dab tsi ua kom koj koom GDI?

Kuv Dad twb pom zoo tau; nws twb tau ua lwm yam hauv Internet tau ntau xyoo, tiam sis sim GDI, tom qab kev to taub qhov kev pab uas tseem tsis tau qoos ntawv yav dhau los, pom kev tau zoo nkauj heev. Thiaj li yuav tsum tau ntxiv nyiaj thiab yeej xav kuv tus kheej ua lag ua luam, ces kuv dhia ntawd maub nws. Lub yig rau $10/ hli muaj nqis heev thiab nyob rau hnub no tus economy, pub rau leej twg li xwb los yuav pib tau ib lub tsev ua lag ua luam.

sib thamKoj txoj kev sib raug zoo nrog koj tswj yog dab tsi?

Qhov tshij, Nws yog kuv Dad li hais kuv thiab nws yuav pab txhua tus neeg uas nws los kuv tsis tau txais-tshaj ntawd ces yog ib tug uas nws qhia kuv, Nco ntsoov pab sawv daws ntau li ntau tau peb, Txawm li cas qib peev xwm uas nws muaj, vim tias yog li cas no ua lag ua luam yuav hlob rau leej twg txo nws hwj nws lub hlwb kev kawm rau ua lag ua luam thiab li cas peb market nws. Cov lag luam thiab cov khoom sells xwb, txhua yam koj yuav tau ua yog yuav tsum tau prospects ces tsis ua hauj lwm nrog lawv kom txog thaum lawv yuav mus ntsib tau.

Koj yuav muab xav cov dab tus ib ntsis rau lwm tus neeg uas tab tom pib?

Nug ntau yam lus rau koj tswj. Muaj coob tus neeg yuav koom, thiab tej zaum hais ib los sis ob nqe lus nug, ces lawv yuav xa. Kuv tus recruits zoo nug Kuv muaj ntau thiab tsis xav teb lawv txhua, to help someone possibly really change their life with a nice GDI residual income. Kuj, kev ntseeg nyob hauv lub tuam txhab, lawv tswj thiab tshwj xeeb tshaj yog nyob rau lawv tus kheej uas lawv nrhiav tau zoo heev hauv internet kev ncig.

Dab tsi koj xav tias pab tau koj ntau los rau ntawm lub Rooj Tswjhwm Saib cov thawj coj?

Peb market 100% internet, siv lub pab (team) lawv uas yog ib txoj hauj lwm zoo nkauj heev los piav txog lub lag luam thiab kev muag khoom, Tiam sis tus yuam sij rau kev kawm hauv internet no yuav paub tau li cas ntxiv rau lub GDI kev tsheb khiav. Kuv xav tias kev kawm ntawv thiab to taub tuam tsheb yuav ua li cas yog tus yuam sij rau kev kawm hauv internet, thiab GDI ntawm ib 7 hnub mus sib hais dawb thiab $10/ hli, yooj yim npaum li cas mas muag hauv internet li lwm yam costlier tej zaum cov kev pab cuam/khoom nyob rau hnub no tus economy. Kuj, Kuv ua hauj lwm kev tsim lub tsheb.. 🙂

Dab tsi yog koj cov phooj ywg los tsev neeg tshwm sim thaum uas koj hais lawv koj tau pub ntxiv tshaj GDI?

Kuv mam li ua siv kuv Dad li vim kuv taug nws. Chiv peb tsis xav txhua yam uas nws ua hauv Internet yuav tau tsim thiab loj hlob mus rau ib qhov nyiaj tau los zoo…ces pib Event ntawd tej zaum yog skeptical. But then we saw how people stay on with GDI for many reasons beyond just a home business opportunity and we knew he had something special, thiab tam sim no kuv ua ib yam nkaus thiab.

Npaum li cas lub sij hawm koj ua devote kom muaj GDI txhua lub limtiam?

Hais txog 15 teev. Saibxyuas tej pab tshiab neeg started thiab advertising, thiab replying rau cov lus nug prospects.

Thaum koj nyob nraum tsis qhia GDI, koj nyiam uas dab tsi?

Kuv nyiam suab paj nruag thiab nyiam hu nkauj thiab tseem dai nrog tej phooj ywg.

Dab tsi yog / yog koj profession?

Kuv yog ib tug Senior muas Service Rep rau ib qhov chaw kev lag. Kuv tabtom ua haujlwm GDI chiv ntxiv ib co ntxiv nyiaj khwv tau los, thiab thiaj loj hlob los hloov kuv qhov nyiaj khwv tau los.

Tsis muaj sij hawm mus li?

BrochurePicSawv daws yuav pressed rau lub sij hawm. Tej zaum GDI yuav koj tus thib tom qab koj cov hauj lwm puv sij hawm thiab koj lub hauj lwm sab. Tej zaum GDI los tom qab ua hauj lwm, xyaum dinners thiab kev ua si, so you only have a little time for your business each week. But you still want to succeed with GDI, txoj cai? Having the right marketing tools can help you succeed no matter how much time you have to give to building your business. The right marketing materials are eye-catching, siv thiab shareable, tab sis leej twg muaj sij hawm rau cov uas? Koj ua tau.

GDI muaj nws heev li Cov khoom siv ua li nplua nuj uas luj lug dawb, tso tsim marketing khoom. Peb twb noj lub sij hawm kom tsim ntaub ntawv koj yuav yooj yim personalize, luam thiab muab cov. Peb muab ib daim ntawv qhia, flyers ntau, cov lus toppers thiab ua lag ua luam ntawv. Nws yog cov dawb rau koj raws li tus affiliate theem pib los sis premium. Txhua yam koj yuav tau ua yog ib qho uas teev rau koj tus account thiab next rau Cov khoom siv ua li. Tom ntej, xaiv cov khoom koj xav tau, sau nyob hauv koj siab zoo thiab koj nyob nraum npaj muab koj lub sijhawm. Tej zaum twb tshaj tawm ib daim ntawv qhia rau koj lug txhawb cov miv ntawm txhua txoj hauj lwm, los yog pib sib tham nrog ib tug flyer tom koj tus ntxhais ntxiv mus ncaws pob match. Peb twb noj cov hauj lwm tsim thiab personalizing tej yam khoom, tam sim no koj nyuam qhuav tau muab.

Yog xav paub txog txhua yam Cov khoom siv ua li yam xav luam tau nyem rau ntawm qhov khoom nyob hauv daim ntawv rau ib lub nyuag qhov chaw ua hauj lwm.

Vim li cas cov yog huab tais

Yog hais tias koj yuav tsum nyeem no blog tsis tu ncua, koj paub tias peb Nco ntsoov qhia lob kiv hluau txog qhov tseem ceeb ntawm ua li covwithidea. Cov ua li yog ib txoj kev haib li uas Area tus tuaj es tsis mus lawm ib yam li ib cov suab muag. Yog tsis yuam kev ntawm cov kws txawj hais "lus qhia yog huab tais." Yog koj tseem tau ntau yam los pib kawm ntawd li nyeem rau.

Khaws tej yam tshiab

Xws li yees duab thiab blog posts rau hauv ntxiv tshab yuav koj lub website tshiab. Qhua yuav tsis tau rov qab mus rau lub qub boring zoo li qub website, tiam sis txhais tau rov mus saib seb cov ntsiab lus tshiab koj twb ntxiv tias nws yuav nyiam ua.

Ua neeg entertained

Koj twb yeej tau neeg rov qab mus rau koj qhov chaw nrhiav tshab, tam sim no koj txoj hauj lwm no kom lawv muaj. Sau cov ntsiab lus uas koj yuav xav tau ntawm koj tus kheej, seb nws yog kawm los yog anecdotal. Muab cov ntsiab lus uas yuav pab tau kom cov tuaj nrog, txhob nrhiav kom nyem tawm hauv 20 vib nas this.

Tej yam kev hloov txog

Muaj ntau txoj kev uas muab cov lus qhia hauv Internet muaj coob. Sim cov yees duab, swb shows, duab, cov khoom thiab tshaj. Nws tau koj cov ntawv yuav pab tau kom koj cov neeg tuaj saib guessing thiab rov qab.

Tsim kom muaj kev sib raug zoo

Siv koj cov ntawv nrog rau koj cov qhua. Raws li comments lawv khiav tawm thiab cov kev mus lawv nyem, koj yuav tsum paub cov qhua koj xav li cas, ces muab rau lawv. Siv sij hawm nyob rau cov lus nug uas nyob rau hauv koj cov posts thiab teb txhua saib txog koj cov ntawv. Yog kam ua lag luam nrog lwm tus neeg uas lawv twb muaj ib cov kev sib raug zoo nrog cov neeg.

Hloov cov qhua

Muab ib txhia ntawm koj cov lus qhia nyob rau hauv ib txoj kev uas converts leads qhua. Ua li no los ua tau ib txhia ntawm koj cov ntaub ntawv kawm gated. You can do this by having special reports or long articles that can only be accessed once a visitor submits an email address. You now have a direct line to that visitor and they’re getting your premium content. It’s win-win.

Koj lub tsev rau xov GDI, Tswv yim, thiab txojkev