Category Archives: Tools

More .WS Email Questions Answered

What is catch-all forwarding?

Catch-all forwarding will forward all email sent to, you can choose to have it forwarded to any existing email account you currently use. Using this option you do not need to setup individual mailboxes.

How do I enable catch-all forwarding?

Click on the “Disabled” link in the Catch-All forwarding section. On the next page, select the “Enabled” option and type the email address to which you want your incoming mail delivered and press the “Update” button. You will be sent a verification email to the destination address you specified with a link you much click to complete your forwarding setup. Your forwarding setup will remain as “Pending” until you click the verification link.

How do I disable catch-all forwarding?

Click on the “Pending” or “Active” link, in the Catch-All Forwarding section. On the next page, select the “Disable” option and the “update” button. Catch-all forwarding is now disabled.

In the catch-all forwarding section, what does this, *@(my domain), mean?

This indicates that will forward to a destination email address that you specify. Mailboxes that are listed in the Active Mailboxes section are not included in catch-all forwarding.

Does catch-all forwarding include mailboxes listed in the Active Mailboxes section?

No, mailboxes that are listed in the Active Mailboxes section are not included in catch-all forwarding. Email is received directly to the inbox. You can enable forwarding for a specific mailbox from the Active Mailboxes section.

What does email prefix blocking mean?

An email prefix is all of the characters before the “@” in an email address. If you are receiving unwanted mail when using catchall forwarding to certain email addresses, you can block specific prefixes in order to not receive the unwanted mail.

How can I block an email address from receiving any email?

Enter the prefix in the block prefixes field and press the block button

How many email addresses can I block?

We allow up to 3 email prefixes to be blocked for each domain on your account.

Can I block active mailboxes?

No, active mailboxes cannot be blocked. You must first delete the specific mailbox from the Active Mailboxes section.

Can I use your email service while my domain is hosted with a different company?

No. Our email service will only work for domains pointing to our servers. If you are using another hosting company, they will provide email services for your domain.

What You Missed!

We hold webinars every other week on Tuesday at 1pm PST and all our invited. If you haven’t made it to a webinar yet, here’s what you missed out on this week:

Tips for Beginners: Need to know how to set up your email, how to get in contact with your upline or what kind of storage we offer? We talked about it!

You Online Reputation: How you present yourself online can make or break you! Experienced successful affiliates shared their top tips for protecting and growing your reputation online!

Exactly How Many Products Does GDI Offer? It’s more than you think! We discussed the benefits of GDI products and some of the many ways you can market them.

So, don’t miss out on great information like this again! Join us on Tuesday, November 22 at 1pm PST. We’ll discuss expert tips, creating your own marketing videos and focus tips. Hope to see you there. Register here:

How Well Do You Know GDI Plugins? A Q&A

Global Domains International offers all of our users plugins to create, manage and make better use of their .ws domains. But with more add ons and plugins come more questions. We share some of our top questions and answers below.

What is WordPress?
WordPress is a free open source blogging software that has become one of the most popular and prominent content management services on the web. In’s own words: “The core software is built by hundreds of community volunteers, and when you’re ready for more there are thousands of plugins and themes available to transform your site into almost anything you can imagine. Over 25 million people have chosen WordPress to power the place on the web they call “home” – we’d love you to join the family.”

Where can I get WordPress Themes?
You can find over a thousand design themes at There are many other sites you may get themes from, but we recommend sticking to for quality control.

Where can I get WordPress Extensions?
You can find extensions at Note: all extensions are use at your own risk!! We do not create the extensions, and cannot guarantee their effectiveness or stability. You should read reviews and check other user ratings of an extension before you decide to install one.

How do I get an API Key for my WordPress plugins?
Some plugins need an API Key to work. Don’t search through your GDI WordPress Blog to find it; it’s not there. The folks at require an account to be registered with them before they will attach an API Key. This does not mean your blog must be hosted with them; it only means you must create an account, find the API Key in the “User” section, and then use it with your GDI blog. To create an account with, go to Do not put your GDI Blog information into the signup fields. Input whatever information you’d like, and then locate the API Key in the Users > Users section. You may use that API Key in your GDI Blog.

I already have a WordPress site, can I bring it to GDI?
Yes. WordPress has built in Import and Export functionality to let you move your site to whatever host you prefer. To bring an existing blog to GDI, first login to your existing blog. On the main navigation menu, look for “Tools”. In the submenu of “Tools”, click “Export,” and then press “Download Export File”. This will cause you to save a file to your local computer with a name like “blog-name.wordpress.YYYY-MM-DD.xml”. After you download the file, login to your GDI WordPress Blog. Again look for “Tools”, only this time click “Import.” Select “WordPress” from the list of blog services, and then “Install” to install the importer on the server (nothing is installed on your local computer). Next, click “Activate Plugin & Run Importer.” Finally, browse your computer and upload the file you exported earlier, the one with a name like “blog-name.wordpress.YYYY-MM-DD.xml”. Now GDI is hosting your WordPress site, and you cancel that Hosting service you were paying for!

Do I have FTP access to my Plugins?
Yes. Your FTP credentials are the following:

Host: ftp.yourdomain.tld (For example, “” would be “”)
Username: same as your GDI username
Password: same as your GDI password
Port: 21

Once connected, you will see a directory for each Plugin you have created, with the name you have assigned to it. Please be careful! It’s easy to break a Plugin by deleting, moving, or modifying critical files. Only experts should be administering their Plugins by FTP. In most instances where you might use FTP, you can perform similar operations from the normal web interface.

I just created a Primary service, but when I try to login I still see my old DNS choice?
It may take up to an hour for your DNS changes to propogate when you set a plugin to Primary. Please wait for caches to expire, and try again later.

More Q&A from this topic coming next week. Leave your Plugin questions in the comments!