Category Archives: Advice

Poll Results: What We Learned from You

pollThanks to everyone who participated in our poll this week. In our commitment to bring you the best and most important-to-you content each week, we wanted to know your thoughts. Here’s the breakdown of what you and your fellow affiliates had to say. Expect to see some changes in the current weeks to reflect your answers.

Facebook is Your Go To

When we asked you how you get to the blog, most of you shared that Facebook brings you here. We post links to all of our newest blogs on Facebook, letting you chose when you check out a post that piques your interests. We update the blog at least three times each week, so you can always go to the blog directly and look for new content. The GDI Affiliate Blog has been sharing important information for almost three years, so there may also be some great posts you’ve missed. Use the drop down menus on the right hand side to find more posts.

You Want More Marketing Tips

Affiliate marketers want more advice on how to market; this makes sense! Blog posts topics vary from news to product information to how tos. You told us you want to see more marketing and also maintain the number of how to posts we create. These topics make for educated, empowered affiliates and also very shareable blog posts, so take advantage of that!

You Like Mixed Content Types

The votes were split on video and text posts. We’re working on updating our Video Tutorial offerings and always adding new ones. You can find video on the blog at least twice each month. Text is our standby that wont be going away anytime soon either.

Did you miss anything you want us to work on? Tell us in the comments.

Set SMART Goals

Goals are a powerful and simple way to keep you growing as an affiliate. You should have big, “reach” goals, goals you can achieve weekly and smaller goals, but all of your goals should be SMART. What are SMART goals? SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely goals. To achieve all aspects of SMART goals:

  • Select goals that are specific to what you wish to achieve. Rather than set the goal “make more money” set a specific goal of “generate 3 sign ups per week.”
  • Set goals that you can measure easily and compare to past goals.
  • Set goals that you can reach with hard work.
  • Set bigger goals that are still realistic.
  • Set goals that you can do with the time you have in the time frame you have.

Building Your Network and Business

networkBuilding your network is vital to any business. If you want to succeed on your own, you need to build your connections. This is truly important with GDI because you don’t want just anyone in your downline. You want someone who will put in the work to be successful too. But how do you guarantee that you’re building your network and downline with quality people? Read on for some tips to getting connected to the right people who will take the opportunity seriously and put in the effort needed.

People Like You

The easiest way to figure out what kind of person might be a great GDI member and downline, is to ask yourself what drew you to the opportunity and what qualities you have that make you successful. As you answer these questions, there is no doubt that some people you already know will come to mind. These people may think the same way about business as you or just have the drive to succeed. Invite them to become a GDI member. Be sure to explain the opportunity clearly and get their thoughts and insights on the opportunity to build Income for Life. Once you get some feedback, this will help you think of more people and personality types who might be interested in GDI.


inkedIn is a great professional resource and fast growing social network, and not just for people looking for a 9-5 job. Use LinkedIn to search for people with the same business interests as you. You can search “network marketing” and get lots of results of people you might have some shared connections with. LinkedIn allows you to ask your current connections for an introduction to new people you would like to build a business relationship with.

LinkedIn also allows you to share short status updates on your profile that can be subscribed to much like Twitter, excerpt with a more specific audience. So make sure your profile is up to date and post some status updates, you never know who might be looking for you! Get creative with your search terms and just browse around. Visit LinkedIn to get started.