Category Archives: Advice

Weekly Bonuses and the GDI Lottery Explained

GDI’s Premium service is a great way to get enhanced tools and a chance to make more money than with a basic membership. We’ve spelled out what is included in premium in this post, but wanted to go a little bit deeper into the most fun aspects of premium. There are the guarantees like Inviter 2.0, 3 for 1 gift cards and more domains and then there are the contests and bonuses that each premium member has the chance to win at any given time. These contests and bonus systems are put in the place to keep your working hard and reward you for your hard work, with a little luck and fun mixed in. Read on for more on the Weekly Bonuses and the Daily Lottery.

To make the most out of GDI, become a weekly bonus superstar. As premium user, you have the chance to earn of $100 bonuses each week by becoming a bonus superstar. You can do this by referring five new confirmed affiliates in a seven day contest period. This contest runs each and every week, and you can win as many times as you qualify, no limits! If you go as far as to refer 25 paid affiliate in one week, the rewards keep coming and you will earn and $500 for the weekly bonus contest! How is that for an incentive? Just make sure your account is up to date with payments and in good standing to qualify for this awesome weekly bonus contest.

You may have noticed the winners we announce daily on our Twitter page. These people are the winners of our daily premium lottery. Three winners are randomly selected from our premium affiliates daily giving these winners new trial signups who do not yet have an affiliate sponsor. What could be better than qualified leads with out having to do the leg work or pay big bucks for them? And this lottery happens every single day, upping your chance to win. Upgrade to premium for your chance to win!

What was the tipping point that made you upgrade to premium? Share in the comments below.

SEO Tips for Your GDI Sites

S-E-O are three letters we hear all the time when talking about websites, but what do they mean? How do I do it for my site? First off, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization basically means increasing the chances of your site coming up in search engines with the help of best practices. Read on for some of these best practices for your GDI Sites. These tips can apply specifically to WordPress sites or be tweaked for your site created using whichever platform you like.


When adding your first post to a WordPress site and after you have added text to the title box, you will see an option below it with your posts permalink. This is a link that will always take you directly to this post. There is a button to the permalink that labeled “change permalinks.” Click it. When you click this button it gives you the option to choose how your permalinks are displayed. For search engine optimization (SEO) reasons, you do not want your post permalink to be This will hinder search engines from finding the post. You should select any option you like where your title will show in the permalink such as You can also access the permalinks options in Settings>Permalinks.

SEO Plugins

We went over the benefits of plugins in this post, and shared that there are plugins for nearly everything you need. Well, SEO is no exception. You can search in the plugin database for SEO tools or Google “Popular WordPress SEO tools” to see some great options with user reviews. Plugins like the All in One SEO Pack have a ton of customizable options for someone who wants to take the time to optimize each post in every way. For more hands off approach, try something like SEO Smart Links that will automatically link posts with in your blog when relevant keywords are used. The more links you have to your site and within your site, the better your SEO.

Tags for SEO, Categories for Navigation

You will notice that each blog post allows you to add tags and categories. Tags are great for SEO. You want your tags to be keywords that are used often though out the post and that are great for SEO and keyword searches. Rank possible keywords against each other with the help of Google’s Keyword tool to ensure your chosen tags is popular search term. You want your keywords to be words and phrases that are searched often.

Categories are helpful for when you do get visitors from search engines. Categories should be basic descriptors for posts that can be used over and over. A category like “advice” will help someone navigate your page and keep all posts that fall into that category in one easy to navigate page.

Social Bookmarking Sites

Social Bookmarking sites are used to manage, favorite and share sites and content. These sites are also used to be directed to content you may like, based on the categories you select when signing up. As such, these sites are great to share your own content, in the hopes that someone else might see it when browsing their suggested sites and links. Sites like Digg, Delicious and even Pinterest allow you to share content and allow other users to find it based on topics they have an interest in. People can come across you blog post as they browse category content and when they click for the full post they will be brought to your site. Social Bookmarking can both drive traffic to your site, and increase your SEO with inbound links.

This is hardly a full list of SEO tips, so stay posted to the blog for more. Share some of your tips in the comments!

Be a Good Sponsor and Responsive Upline

Sometimes we get questions on Facebook and Twitter about how to contact your upline. You can see our previous post on this here. One of the best ways to avoid upline problems is to educate our affiliates on ways to be a good upline resource in the first place, so the education and best practices spread. Read on for a few great tips to be a great upline.

Be available

Don’t go AWOL. Once you have someone secured in your downline, that is not the end of the process. Network Marketing is about building a network. You need to work to maintain relationships and ensure you and your network are successful. If your downline emails, calls or reaches out, it is in your best interest to respond and help them in order to continue to successfully build your downline.

Be open

Aside from just being available, be open about that fact! Tell your downline and your network that you are available and encourage them to reach out to you if needed. You want to establish a level of comfort that ensures everyone in your network  can achieve their full potential.

Offer Help

Try to offer help and guidance even before it is needed. All affiliates experience the same process and tend to share many of the same highs and lows. Everyone, even our most successful affiliates, had to start somewhere. Take the time to share some of the important lessons and experiences that helped to make your GDI business a success. Is there a pitfall that you experienced, but now understand how to avoid? Share the knowledge!

It All Comes Down to Relationships

Success in Network Marketing and with GDI, like many things in life, comes down to your ability to build and maintain relationships. Building a network takes time and effort and a little extra work in the beginning. Establish open lines of communication and relationships with your downline and you will ensure everyone in your network has a chance for success.

What are your tips for being a great sponsor?