All posts by GDI Corporate

Plaub yam tseem ceeb koj cov Affiliate uas yooj yim raws li txoj cai tau koj


Tag nrho cov affiliates uas muab ib tug.WS sau. Koj.WS pub koj lub sij hawm thaum sau npe muab koj yuav txwv tsis pub muab tub tawm nrog .COM. Koj.WS sau los nrog instant ua kom, 20 sub puav, thiab options rau parking thiab kev cai nameservers. GDI muaj ib cov sau yeem s. add-on rau xwb $1 ib hlis twg. You can also take advantage of URL forwarding to forward to any domain with the option for masked forwarding. Koj.WS sau yog nrhiav cav optimized thiab indexed yog xyaw loj nrhiav tag nrho.


Kev sau affiliates, GDI tus email los txheem nrog 10 email addresses ib sau thiab muaj AJAX web interface li no ib mobile interface. GDI tus email muaj huab ua ntaub ntawv thov editing thiab cia thiab ntiag tug spam tswj raws li cov kev them nyiaj yug POP3/IMAP. Tiav nrog tagging, sib, thiab txawm nrhiav, koj tus Email GDI yuav ua koj mus-mus email pab.

Nyiaj khwv tau los sib

Ua ib theem pib GDI affiliate, koj yuav tsum tau rewarded muaj ib 10% Commission ntawm cov nyiaj tawm ib txheej, down los ntawm ib cov nyiaj ntawm 5 tiam, muaj tsis muaj kev txwv kom tsawg "hauv kab" (Txheej 1) affiliates koj tej zaum yuav muaj thiab tsis txhob muaj li ntawd rau koj tej kev tau nyiaj. Yog hais tias koj tej nste xwb 5 affiliates thiab cia ua ib yam, koj yuav tau ua ib lub network ntawm 3905 affiliates. Tejzaum nws cov feem yooj yooj yim thiab yooj yim to taub txoj kev uas yuav piav txog qhov kev pab cuam GDI affiliate yog ib yam kev xa mus cuag kev pab. Affiliates no rewarded rau txhua daim ntawv tshiab tuaj rau lawv xa mus rau cov pab (team). Thaum twg koj xa kos nrog koj, koj tau txais nyiaj khiab zog.

Kev tsim nyog lawm

Affiliates no lawm yuav tsum tau mus muas ib lub pob DVD los tau ib yam hwm neeg kom tsim nyog rau hauv lawm. Tam sim no txhua yam GDI affiliates (xws li theem pib) yuav tsum tau txais kev pab los yeej rau lawm. Affiliate thiab txhua yam tau tam sim no khwv tau muaj tsawg tus unlimited $100 nyiaj tshwj xeeb txhua lub limtiam. Xav paub ntau ntxiv txog cov cai ntawm cov contest no: Paub meej Contest lawm

Motivational Monday IV

Ntawm no yog ob peb haib quotes kom tau koj tus pog thiab npaj mus ua koj qhov lag luam lub lim tiam no.

  • “People don’t buy for logical reasons. Lawv yuav tau rau siab vim li cas."–Zig ua Ziglar
  • “A goal properly set is halfway reached.”-Zig Ziglar
  • "Tus txiaj rau ntawm tshua yog tsis greed tiamsis generosity."-Keith Ferrazzi
  • “All successful people men and women are big dreamers. Lawv xav txog tej yam lawv lub neej yav tom ntej yuav yog zoo li cas, zoo tagnrho rau txhua txhua tus hwm, thiab ces lawv ua hauj lwm txhua txhua hnub txog lawv kev pom deb, los ntawd lub hom phiaj yog phiaj."-Brian Tracy
  • "Tus loj tshaj barrier yuav zoo yog ib qhov ntshai tsis ua hauj lwm."-Sven Goran Eriksson
  • “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.”-John D. Rockefeller

SiteBuilder vs. WordPress: Xaiv cov kev pab koj

GDI muaj koj ob yam kev pab rau koj yuav txhim ib lub WebSite ntawm koj .ws sau ntawv yooj yim: SiteBuilder thiab WordPress. Seb koj puas paub twg yog ib txoj kev rau koj?

Yog hais tias koj xav saib seb cov chaw ua hauj lwm rau xam kom: SiteBuilder

SiteBuilder qhia txog Mekas, cov templates tsim tso. Koj yuav xaiv daim template groupings thiab ib tug ces templates. Cov no muaj teeb nrog rau xim tswvyim thiab layout twb xaiv rau koj. Txhua yam koj yuav tau ua yog koj cov lus qhia ntxiv rau daim ntawv, duab, yeeb yaj duab thiab tshaj.

Yog hais tias koj xav kom cov ntxhais txom thiab plugins: WordPress

Thaum GDI muab tso tsim templates, leej twg thiaj tsim tau ib WordPress template. Qhov no txhais tau hais tias muaj ib tug xov tooj countless cov ntxhais muaj nyob rau hauv Internet rau koj ces. Yog hais tias koj twb tau ib lub tswv yim kev nco, yuav yog koj yuav nrhiav tau ib lub ntsiab uas tsim los ntawm lwm tus kom haum rau nws. Qhov no yuav tsum mus nrhiav lwm WordPress koj thiab ib co ntxhais raug nqi nyiaj, txawm muaj ntau txaus sawv daws dawb yuav zoo li.

Yog hais tias koj xav mus blog: Ob leeg

WordPress yog tsim los rau cov blogging. Koj muaj peev xwm tsim lub website yuav luag txhua yam uas koj xav WordPress blog, tab sis blogging no rau nws cov tub ntxhais. Yog hais tias koj xum SiteBuilder tus easy luag thiab xa cov qauv thiab templates, txhob txhawj, SiteBuilder muaj ib tug plugin koj yuav yooj yim qhib blog. Xav paub ntau ntxiv txog kev SiteBuilder tus blog xaiv ntawm no.

Yog hais tias koj xav muab cov yees duab: Ob leeg

Cov yees duab ntxiv yog ib qho yooj yim uas SiteBuilder thiab WordPress. Yeej yoojyim ua luam qhov embed code hauv cov yees duab YouTube koj nyiam thiab pasting ua tau cov HTML los ntawv kev xaiv ntawm tus ncej editor. Nyem no yog ib kauj ruam yog kauj ruam yees duab rau kev ntxiv kev yees duab rau cov SiteBuilder.