All posts by GDI Corporate

Cov kauj ruam rau Affiliates tshiab

Yog hais tias koj GDI tshiab thiab kuj nce mentsis pomzoo nrog dab tsi yuav ua ntxiv mus, txhob txhawj. Ntawm no yog cov kauj ruam uas koj yuav tsum coj li affiliate brand tshiab kom txawj ntse txog cov GDI thiab tsis muaj kev vam meej.

  • Hu rau koj lub upline. Qhov no yog leej twg koj cia li thov nrog. Nws yog ib qho chaw zoo thiab yuav tau teb cov lus nug koj li ib tus affiliate tshiab. Koj yuav nrhiav tau cov ntawv nyob rau hauv Upline rau koj Cov neeg koom hauv cheeb tsam.
  • Saib peb lub yeeb yaj duab uas yog nyeem. Koj nkag tau rau hauv no rau koj Cov neeg koom hauv cheeb tsam. Cov luv luv hauv yeeb yaj duab npog txhua yam koj yuav tsum paub txog GDI thiab yuav siv peb cov kev pab li cas.
  • Mus ntsib tus blog. Koj nyob nraum twb nyob ntawm no, tab sis nco ntsoov bookmark Peb tswg ntau zaus ib as thiv twg uas muaj ntaub ntawv tseem ceeb affiliates. Koj yuav tau nrhiav yav tas los posts kom tau cov lus uas koj xav tau.
  • Khwv tau koj qhov kev kawm lawm:
    • Hloov ua lwm yam los ntawm cov dawb mus sib hais kom muaj ib lub affiliate.
    • Teev koj.WS email
    • Siv lub GDI Inviter tuam xa tsawg 5 invites
    • Xa ib tug converted signup ncaj nraim
    • Ua kom koj lub WebSite nrog SiteBuilder
    • Email tawm li ntawm rau cov kawm “Tej hau kev kawm lawm” thiab muaj ib qhov txuas mus rau koj tus tshiab lub WebSite
    • Koj muab koj Commission nyiam kom peb
    • Khwv tau $25 Yog hais tias koj ua tiav cov kauj ruam tag nrho kom zoo!
  • Hauj lwm ntawm GDI nyiaj tshwj xeeb. GDI tam sim no muaj nyiaj tau peb tshaj lwm tus kawm ntawv lawm rau lub affiliates. Paub cov kev cai ntawm no rau txhua lub limtiam Superstar lawm, Team lawm thiab Individuals lawm thiab yuav pib ua hauj lwm ntawm txhua yam!

Koj yuav ua li cas nrog SiteBuilder

Xaiv ib Customizable Template

Muaj kaum plaub pawg template, txhua yam uas muaj ntau hom templates li ntawd muaj dozens template txoj chose ntawm. GDI SiteBuilder template pawg sib txawv los ntawm ua lag ua luam, rau tsev neeg, haujlwm yam koj nyiam thiab tshaj. Thaum koj xaiv ib pawg templates xaiv los ntawm, muaj ntau ntau yam sib txawv designs, xim thiab layout li ntawm txhua pab pawg rau chose ntawm. Koj yuav xaiv tau yam xim koj xum thiab ntxiv cov dluab, ntawv luam thiab GDI riam nyiam nyees khawm uas txuas ncaj qha mus rau 7 feeb video ua koj lub website tiag koj li. Yog koj xav tias koj tsis tag li ntawm template uas koj nyob nraum siv koj yuav txawm swap nws tawm ib zaug koj muaj ntxiv phau ntawv thiab cov duab saib tsis poob yam koj hloov lawm.

Ua kom muaj ntau nplooj ntawv

Nrog koj yuav yooj yim tsim SiteBuilder nplooj ntawv ntau rau koj lub website hloov lub templates raws li xav tau. Ntxiv ib cov nplooj ntawv tshiab, tsuas tau teev rau hauv site builder thiab nias lub “Ua Page” khawm cov ntsuab plus piav thiab koj nyob nraum npaj yuav pib. Thaum koj nias qhov no koj yuav muab rau cov SiteBuidler wizard uas tau pab koj tsim ib nplooj kauj ruam yog kauj ruam. Thaum koj luam tawm koj cov nplooj ntawv koj yuav nco ntsoov hloov tsis tau kev pab los ntawm cov wizard thiab hloov raws li qhov koj xav tau.

Ntxiv ib Blog

Peb tham txog peb cov plugin WordPress feem ntau, tiam sis nws tseem tsis tau cov blog xwb nyob rau hauv lub zos! SiteBuilder koj yuav yooj yim ntxiv koj cov blog thiab hloov kom ntau raws li koj xav. Cias next rau lub “Plugins” tab nyob rau hauv SiteBuilder thiab nias qhib los hloov koj blog. Thaum twg koj xav ntxiv lub tshiab ncej, ndliv lub koj Blog nyob rau lub “Nplooj ntawv” ntawm ntu SiteBuilder thiab ces cias nyem “Tshiab ncej” thiab koj npaj mus nraum. Yog hais tias koj tsis tsim cov ntawm koj tus kheej, muab SiteBuilder ib sim! Peb twb tsim nws kom haum rau txhua theem peev xim thiab tso cai rau txhua txhua GDI neeg muaj ib lub chaw profession.

Koj tseem siv koj lub sij hawm li cas? Affiliate Questions

Npaum li cas lub sij hawm kuv tabtom dedicating los GDI?q&A2

Thaum nws tawm GDI los yog tej network li sijhawm, koj yuav tau nug koj tus kheej zoo li cas ntawm cov nyiaj koj xav ua, los yog expecting kom. Yog hais tias koj xav tau qhov nyiaj tau los tas hnub, koj yuav tsum muab tso rau hauv kev ua hauj lwm puv sij hawm mus GDI. Tej uas peb cov affiliates saum toj kawg nkaus tau tawm lawv tus "hnub haujlwm" vim cov nyiaj lawv generated ntawm GDI. Tab sis, qhov no yog vim muaj cov affiliates tau muab rau hauv cov chaw ua hauj lwm puv sij hawm. GDI no cim lub sijhawm rau koj los yeej yuav tau tswj koj lub neej thiab garner cov nyiaj tau los ntawm lub neej, tiam sis koj yuav tsum muab tso rau hauv koj lub zog ua hauj lwm mus txog tod. Tam sim no ces saib zoo npaum li cas lub sij hawm uas koj yuav siv tau rau cov recruiting neeg thiab marketing GDI, muaj tej zaum ib tug tib neeg txuas rau koj lub sij hawm thiab koj cov tshev nyiaj hli ntawm GDI. Yog koj nyob nraum nrhiav ntau tshaj cov nyiaj tau los, muab tso rau hauv ntau cov chaw ua hauj lwm.

Zoo li cas xyov kuv hais neeg txog GDI?

Thaum twg koj market GDI, dab tsi ua koj qhia koj cov prospects? Ua koj qhia rau lawv txog cov khoom uas zoo, koj kev paub los yog txiav nyiaj sib? Qhia rau lawv txog koj paub li cas thiab seb koj siv GDI. Thaum koj lub caij nyoog los ntawm ib qho chaw uas paub prospects muag yuav uas pom thiab hnov koj cog qoob loo. Qhia koj zaj dabneeg, tsis lwm tus thiab koj yuav tau txais qhov kev kos npe.

Kuv thov tus neeg yuav tsum muaj cov kauj ruam tom ntej?

Yog hais tias koj nyob txuas nrog cov neeg zoo, tiam sis lawv yeej kom zoo zwm npe, tias yog vim li cas? Ib vim yuav yog tias neeg twb tsis paub dab tsi yuav ua ntxiv mus. Lawv yuav yog tus pog hais txog kev sib GDI tab sis xyov yuav tsiv mus nyob rau pem hauv ntej. Nws yog qhov yooj yim, tiam sis koj yuav tsum qhia rau lawv! Pab koj cov prospects ntawm tus txheej txheem kauj ruam yog kauj ruam; piav txog qhov vim li kos nyob hauv koj pab neeg yog zoo rau koj thiab lawv.

Kuv tabtom networking nrog leej twg?

Yog hais tias koj tsis marketing mus los tshua nrog rau tib neeg txoj, koj yeej tsis yuav kom neeg mus zwm npe! Li ntawd, nco ntsoov network thiab ua lag luam rau tus neeg zoo. Ib txoj kev zoo ua li no yog koom marketing pawg hauv online ntawm LinkedIn los sis nrhiav ib pawg lag luam hauv koj hometown network. Muab kev koom tes rau hauv cov pab pawg tsawg leej neeg yuav qhib rau lub sijhawm.

Kuv tabtom tiag tiag marketing kuv kawm ntawv?

Qhov no hais txog dab tsi koj lub website zoo li thiab uas yog mus ntsib nws. Koj puas cia li siv ib qhov chaw uas replicated? Koj puas tau koj qhov chaw apart from tas npaum li cas? A professional looking site shows that you not only use the product but that you also put the time into building your site to market the opportunity. Sim ntsia koj lub website yuav yog ib tug qhua thiab nug koj tus kheej yog tias lawv txoj kev uas nws tab tom looks yuav ua rau koj xav mus zwm npe. Mam li hloov raws li tsim nyog.