Your Best Sources of Help

GDI offers many sources of support for our affiliates. Knowing the right person to ask when you have an issue can help to solve your problem faster. Here are a few helpful reminders for whom to reach out to.

Lost your password?

Support Team. Our Support Team can help you with any technical issue that may require them to access your account and assist you. Call them 760-602-3000 M-F 8am-3pm or send an email to anytime.

Cancel your account?

Support Team. We cannot process cancel requests submitted to any service other than our Support Team. Call them 760-602-3000 M-F 8am-3pm or send an email to anytime.

“How to” question about your WebSite

Members Area, Social Media, Support. In your Members Area you will see our Tutorial Videos linked on the left hand side. These videos can show you step by step how to build or adjust your website using SiteBuilder or WordPress. If you have a specific question or can’t find the video you are looking for let us know on our social media sites like our Facebook page and Twitter. If you’re still struggling, our Support Team will be happy to help you.

Building your team

Upline. You upline should be your first resource for any marketing and team building questions. You can find their contact information in your Members Area. Simply navigate to Upline and you will see the summary of your Upline members and their contact information listed.

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