Tswj Expecations thiab kev teem hom phiaj kev thiav

Affiliate cov kev pab cuam xws li GDI muaj ntau muaj cov kev pab cuam xws li muaj peev xwm mus ua hauj lwm hauv tsev, ua hauj lwm thiab muaj sij hawm thiab ua hauj lwm nrog cov neeg thoob qab ntuj. Affiliate cov kev pab cuam, Txawm li cas los, tsis tau koj lees tias koj mam mus quick nplua nuj, ua nyiaj tsis tas muab ua hauj lwm thiab uas txhua txhua hnub thiaj li yooj yim. Qhov teeb meem nrog cov misinformation no yog tias muaj coob tus neeg ntseeg nws perpetuate nws, ua tshiab affiliates los txiav luam yeeb thaum lawv tsis muaj millionaire thawj lub limtiam. Nws tseem ceeb heev ua ib n tshiab affiliate to taub koj nyob nraum kos li cas tuaj rau thiab nws tseem yog lub luag hauj lwm ntawm tus tsim affiliate thiab upline yuav tsis tseeb. Ntawm no yog ob txoj kev nyiam signups tsis muaj risking poob mus cuav leg ntaubntawv thiab cog.

Tswj rua

GDI muaj affiliates ntau leej tau them txhua hli thiab lawv cov nyiaj tau los ntawm lub neej. Txawm li cas los, qhov no tsis li tam sim ntawd rau ntau tus neeg. Nws tseem ceeb heev uas yuav tsum paub hais tias GDI muaj ib tug yawm nyiaj tsev sib, tab sis, tsis txhob ua kom nws. Thov that's neeg no yuav tau muab ib tug nqi set nyiaj ib as thiv twg guaranteed xwb tsis muaj tseeb thiab yuav ua rau neeg tawm thaum uas tsis muaj kev tshwm. Tias kev muab tus pog txog GDI thiab ua lag luam tshiab txoj kev, yuav exaggerating nyiaj tej yuav tsuas backfire thiab ua kom koj poob downline neeg kom sai thaum koj txais tau /

Teeb thiab Reset lub hom phiaj

Lub hom phiaj yog ib txoj kev haib tsav tshiab affiliates mus rau pem hauv ntej. Teev lub hom phiaj zoo kom pab ua tus khaws cov neeg downline. Siv lub sij hawm mus cuag kom tau koj tshiab downline neeg muab tswv yim xwb tsis, tab sis, kuj yuav teeb muaj hom phiaj. Yog koj nrhiav ib lub hom phiaj no nyuab dhau lawm los yog ib qho yooj yim heev, ua hauj lwm yuav tau teeb ib lub hom phiaj tshiab rau koj pab neeg thiab koj tus kheej. Affiliates kom mus zoo raws cov hom phiaj muaj feem ntau yuav nyob rau ib pab.

GDI Tippers loj Contest qhia

Koj muaj kawm tau tej tswv yim zoo rau koj lub sij hawm li ib affiliate? Koj puas muaj ib tug nyiam lub website uas txhawb koj txhua hnub? Paub cov kev pab uas yuav yooj yim rau cov affiliates?

Qhia tawm nrog peb thiab koj yuav yeej $100! Cia li muab koj ntsis nyiam los yog ib daim qhia rau GDI tus affiliates thiab koj yuav npe cia muab sij hawm rau yeej $100. Thaum koj muab cov, koj daim pab tswv yim yuav muaj npe cia ib tug pov npav. Pab tswv yim uas tshaj cov votes yuav yeej $100!

Cov contest yuav muab qhov chaw nyob rau hauv kaum ib hlis thiab hlis ntuj nqeg nrog 6 yuav los yeej. Head rau tus blog rau contest tag nrho cov kev cai, deadlines, thiab cov lus txhawb.

Cas nws xwb: Affiliates muab lawv lub tswv yim rau Facebook thiab Twitter. Lub tswv yim yuav xa ib lub sij hawm set thiab ces yuav muaj npe cia ib tug pov npav. Saum tau pom zoo daim pab tswv yim yuav yeej tus affiliate $100.

Cas koj yeej: Peb yuav compile tag nrho submissions li ib ob lub lim piam twg ntawd thiab qhia rau ib hom poll ntawm peb phab Facebook. Qhua rau Facebook sab yuav tsum lawv nyiam daim tswv yim los ntawm txhaj khawm ntawm nws. Qhov kawg ntawm lub sij hawm ntsuab prizes yuav raug muab tsub rau sab saum toj daim pab tswv yim uas tau pom zoo rau los ntawm tus kiv cua Facebook.

Cov prizes yuav muaj raws li nram no:

Kaum ib hlis: Yuav muaj ob tug uas yuav muaj mus sau thiab yuav muaj plaub rau yeej nyob rau hauv kaum ib hlis. Koj yuav muab koj cov tswv yim thiab lub tswv yim los ntawm kaum ib hlis 1me nyuam-10th thiab kaum ib hlis 16th-26th. Voting yuav muaj sijhawm teem rau lub kaum ib hlis 11th-15th rau cov sij hawm thiab kaum ib hlis cov thawj 27th -30th for the second period. The top two winners from each period will be awarded $100 txhua. Peb yuav qhia rau affiliates thiab cua paub ntawm Facebook thiab Twitter Thaum twg submissions no lawm thiab voting yuav pib.

Xa: Kaum ib hlis 1me nyuam-10th THIAB kaum ib hlis 16th-26th

Xaiv: Kaum ib hlis 11th-15th THIAB kaum ib hlis 27th-30th

Hlis ntuj nqeg: Yuav muaj ob yuav nkag mus rau thiab yeej nyob rau hlis ntuj nqeg. Koj yuav muab koj cov tswv yim thiab lub tswv yim los ntawm hlis ntuj nqeg 1me nyuam-10th thiab hlis ntuj nqeg 16th-26th. Voting rau lub sij hawm thawj yuav hlis ntuj nqeg 11th-15th thiab voting rau ob lub sijhawm yuav 27th-31me nyuam. Yuav tau muab tus hluas khiav los ntawm txhua lub sij hawm $100 txhua. Peb yuav qhia rau affiliates thiab cua paub ntawm Facebook thiab Twitter Thaum twg submissions no lawm thiab voting yuav pib.

Xa: Hlis ntuj nqeg 1me nyuam-10th THIAB Hlis ntuj nqeg 16th-26th**

Xaiv: Hlis ntuj nqeg 11th-15th THIAB Hlis ntuj nqeg 27th-31St **

**Vim yog lub busyness ntawm cov hnub caiv, peb extending yog lub sij hawm peb nkag teb chaws rau cov Tippers loj loj kawg contest. Peb yuav tsum ntseeg nkag mus txog rau lub ib hlis ntuj 1 thiab voting yuav khiav September 2nd-6. hmoov zoo!

Kev cai:

  • Tawm tswv yim thiab lub tswv yim yuav xa ntawm Facebook thiab Twitter.
  • Voting yuav raws Facebook polling. Txhua daim pab tswv yim yuav tau sib koom thiab yog, kiv cua tau ces mus pov npav rau lawv favorite.
  • Lub tswv yim tsis tau pab txhawb ib tug neeg, pab (team), los yog lawv lawm.. Lub tswv yim yuav ua tau rau lwm tus yuav pab tau cov websites, tab sis tsis affiliate lwm. Lub tswv yim tsis tau affiliates them tus nqi tes kom tau txais cov kev pab.
  • GDI yuav tsum pom zoo rau tag nrho cov tswv yim thiab reserves muaj txoj cai tsis kam muab lub hau li cas los xij.
  • Piv txwv ntawm kev tau taub: "Thaum kuv hnov ntawm ib tug phooj ywg tsis ntev los no mus ua hauj lwm uas kuv tau hais rau nws" los yog "Kuv siv npe nyob hauv Facebook kom tag nrho cov nplooj ntawv uas muab cov lus qhia uas yuav pab tau kom kuv ua hauj lwm" los yog "Kuv nkaus kuv lub zos entrepreneurs qws"
  • Nkag yuav tsum tuaj tam sim no GDI affiliates zoo.

Pib hnub no los ntawm kev sib qhia tswv yim rau hauv ib qho rau Facebook los txog Twitter. Qhia rau peb paub yog tswv yim los yog muaj ntsis yuav sau!