Managing Expecations and Setting Goals for Longevity

Affiliate programs like GDI offer a lot of unique benefits like the ability to work from home, work and any time and work with people all over the world. Affiliate programs, however, do not guarantee you’ll get rich quick, make money without putting in work and that every day will be easy. The problem with this misinformation is that many people believe it or perpetuate it, causing new affiliates to quit when they aren’t a millionaire in the first week. It’s important as a n new affiliate to understand what you’re signing up for and it’s also the responsibility of the established affiliate and upline to be truthful. Here are two ways to attract signups without risking losing them to false claims and promises.

Manage Expectations

GDI has many affiliates who get paid out each month and build income for life. However, this doesn’t happen right away for many people. It’s important to know that GDI offers a great income building opportunity, but not to exaggerate it. Claims that’s people will make a set amount of money per week guaranteed just aren’t true and will cause people to quit when that doesn’t happen. It’s okay to be excited about GDI and market in new ways, buy exaggerating income potential will only backfire and cause you to lose downline members as quickly as you got them/

Set and Reset Goals

Goals are a powerful way to drive new affiliates forward. Setting the right goals keep help to retain downline members. Take the time to reach out to your new downline members to not only share advice, but also to set goals. If you find a goal is too hard or too easy, work to set a new goal for your team and yourself. Affiliates who reach goals are more likely to stay with a team.

GDI Big Tippers Contest Information

Have you learned some great advice in your time as an affiliate? Do you have a favorite website that encourages you each day? Know of a service that could make things easier for affiliates?

Share with us and you could win $100! Just share your favorite tip or piece of advice for GDI’s affiliates and you’ll be up for a chance to win $100. Once you share, your piece of advice will be up for a vote. The advice with the most number of votes will win $100!

The contest will take place in November and December with 6 chances to win. Head to the blog for full contest rules, deadlines, and details.

How It Works: Affiliates share their tips on Facebook and Twitter. Tips can be submitted during a set period and then will be up for a vote. The top voted piece of advice will win that affiliate $100.

How You Win: We will compile all submissions over each two week period and share them in a poll format through our Facebook page. Visitors to the Facebook page can vote for their favorite piece of advice by clicking the button next to it. At the end of the period cash prizes will be awarded to the top pieces of advice voted on by Facebook fans.

The prizes will be as follows:

November: There will be two chances to enter and four chances to win in November. You may share your advice and tips from November 1st-10th and November 16th-26th. Voting will take place on November 11th-15th for the first period and November 27th -30th for the second period.  The top two winners from each period will be awarded $100 each. We will let affiliates and fans know via Facebook and Twitter when submissions are over and voting will begin.

Submit: November 1st-10th AND November 16th-26th

Vote: November 11th-15th AND November 27th-30th

December: There will be two chances to enter and win in December. You may share your advice and tips from December 1st-10th and December 16th-26th. Voting for the first period will be December 11th-15th and voting for second period will be 27th-31st. The single winner from each period will be awarded $100 each. We will let affiliates and fans know via Facebook and Twitter when submissions are over and voting will begin.

Submit: December 1st-10th AND December 16th-26th**

Vote:  December 11th-15th AND December  27th-31st**

**Due to the busyness of the holidays, we are extending our entry period for the final Big Tippers contest. We will be accepting entries until January 1st and voting will run January 2nd-6th. Good luck!


  • Advice and tips can be submitted via Facebook and Twitter.
  • Voting will be based on Facebook polling. All pieces of advice will be shared and attributed, fans can then vote for their favorite.
  • Tips cannot promote one person, team, or system over another. Tips can be for other helpful websites, but not other affiliate programs. Tips may not require affiliates to pay a fee to obtain the benefit.
  • GDI must approve all tips and reserves the right to refuse a tip for any reason.
  • Example of an acceptable tip: “When I hear of a friend recently out of work I reach out the them” or “I use lists in Facebook to sort all the pages that share information helpful to my business” or “I joined my town’s entrepreneurs club”
  • Entries must come from current GDI affiliates in good standing.

Get started today by sharing advice in a post on Facebook or on Twitter. Let us know it is advice or a tip to be entered!