Ob tug SiteBuilder FAQ

Kuv muab ib tug typo thaum tsim tau kuv nplooj ntawv nrog cov Wizard. Cas kuv rov qab mus thiab kho tau nws?

Next rau Ua koj lub Website nyob rau lub Cov neeg koom hauv cheeb tsam thiab xaiv tau koj qhov chaw. Koj yuav tam sim no muaj nyob rau hauv lub Tus thawj tswj los ntawm phab. Ndliv qhov Khoom icon. Rau lub box uas pops los qhia tag nrho cov lus qhia koj thaum koj siv cov Wizard input. Tam sim no rov qab mus los thiab hloov koj tau li cas thiab koj ua nyob nraum!

Kuv hu khawm ntawm kev xaiv yog dab tsi?

Thaum lub tsev koj cov phab SiteBuilder, Nws tseem txog koj mus ntxiv koj cov nyees khawm signup tsav qhua koj qhov kev txiav txim txaus. Thaum koj nyob hauv lub SiteBuilder editor rau koj phab, nyem Ntxiv rau ntawm nplooj ntawv rau koj SiteBuilder editor thiab xaiv Cov cuab yeej GDI. Nov koj muaj kev banners thiab signup nyees khawm. Tej no twb tus configured rau koj cov ntaub ntawv no thiab nyiaj tso yuav ncaj tej neeg downline rau koj signup thaum lawv nyem.

Yuav ua li cas yuav ua rau koj Downline

downlineYog koj nyob nraum tshiab rau GDI thiab xav coj kom zoo dua rau peb qhov kev pab cuam hauv affiliate, tej zaum koj kuj yuav muaj ob peb nqe lus nug. Tus biggest ntawm cov lus nug no yog "li cas ua kuv tsim kuv downline?"Yog tsis muaj kev kawm muaj pes tsawg, tab sis, peb yuav pab tau koj nrog cov logistics. Ntawm no yog li cas koj ntxiv neeg rau koj downline nrog peb ntawm peb qhov website uas sib txawv ntawm kev xaiv.

Replicated qhov chaw

GDI tus Replicated no mus nrhiav tau rau koj Cov neeg koom hauv cheeb tsam hauv qab Kuv qhov chaw uas Replicated. Hauv qhov chaw no replicated yog cov websites readymade uas yuav tsum tsis txhob tau yam editing. Xaiv cov koj favorite Replicated Site qhia thaum twg ib tug neeg tas koj .ws sau ntawv. Txhua tus replicated ntawm txoj kev sib qhia txog GDI thiab muaj ib lub pob rau ib tug neeg downline neeg signup. Thaum lawv nyem no khawm thiab tiav signup txheej txheem nws yuav yog ib feem ntawm koj downline.


Tsim thiab siv lub SiteBuilder kawm ntawv rau koj sau, xaiv Ua koj lub WebSite rau koj Cov neeg koom hauv cheeb tsam. Thaum koj ua koj lub website, tej zaum koj yuav pom cov kev xaiv kev ntxiv ib qho email chaw nyob thiab tus xov tooj. Li no, tej downline cov neeg uas mus saib koj qhov chaw yuav tiv tauj koj xav paub ntau ntxiv los yog kev zwm npe. Muab qhua thiab xaiv los pib signup txheej txheem los ntawm koj qhov chaw, nyem Ntxiv rau ntawm nplooj ntawv rau koj SiteBuilder editor thiab xaiv Cov cuab yeej GDI. Nov koj muaj kev banners thiab signup nyees khawm. Tej no twb tus configured rau koj cov ntaub ntawv no thiab nyiaj tso yuav ncaj tej neeg downline rau koj signup thaum lawv nyem.


WordPress muab koj txoj kev ywj pheej rau ntau npaum li cas, ces nyiaj tso li cas koj ncaj qhua koj tuaj sau npe txuas yog ntawm koj. Ntau templates muaj chaw seem rau cov ntaub ntawv tiv tauj, kev mus thiab HTML. Nov koj yuav ntxiv koj email thiab xov tooj los txuas ncaj qha rau koj signup txuas thiab kom txaus. Koj yuav nrhiav tau cov kev mus hauv koj Cov neeg koom hauv cheeb tsam.

Peb twb ntxiv dab tsi rau hauv 2013

Peb twb ntxiv heev nyob rau hauv 2013 peb GDI cov khoom thiab kev pab uas twb tshaj tuaj. Ntawm no yog ib lub neej puas muaj dab tsi tshiab. Xyuas kom tseeb tias koj nyob nraum tsis pawv lawm.

Txhab nyiaj Superstars lawm

Peb txhaj cov kev hloov rau peb coos ciav contest kawg ntawm lub ob hlis ntuj. Affiliates no lawm yuav tsum tau mus muas ib lub pob DVD los tau ib yam hwm neeg kom tsim nyog rau hauv lawm. Tam sim no txhua yam GDI affiliates yuav tau txais kev pab los yeej rau lawm. Affiliate thiab txhua yam tau tam sim no khwv tau muaj tsawg tus unlimited $100 nyiaj tshwj xeeb txhua lub limtiam. Xav paub ntau ntxiv txog cov cai ntawm cov contest no: Paub meej Contest lawm

Virtual daim ID

Virtual ID card debuted cia li ib ob asthiv dhau los thiab yog twb hloov txoj kev affiliates muab cov lus qhia. Tus Virtual ID daim card shares qhia txog koj cov prospects xav paub xws li koj lub plaws nrog GDI. Koj Virtual daim ID qhia tawm koj lub plaws hauv GDI lub tshiab ranking cev. Ranks li ntawm Bronze cov nyuam qhuav mus pib, ntua rau Triple-pob zeb Diamond, rau peb feem coob cov neeg tseem ceeb Affiliates. Koj tshiab Virtual ID card yog ib tug uas yooj yim los pab qhia prospects npaum koj yuav GDI.

GDI thoob ntiaj teb

Peb newest thiab ciav tam sim no contest pib rau hnub tim, tab sis peb tseem nyob nraum noj submissions! Nws yog ib qho uas yooj yim sau thiab yooj yim los yeej. Peb xav kom koj sau koj.WS banner ntawm koj li cas rau cov khoom siv thiab snap duab pem lub taub hau qhov chaw thoob ntiaj teb. Peb xav kom koj qhia tawm ntau npaum li cas xwb qhov chaw uas koj tau ua hauj lwm los tsim koj tus lag luam ntawm. Lub yees duab nyiam stands los yeej $50! Txhua yam koj yuav tau ua yog print tawm koj banner los ntawm cov khoom siv li cas los tsim koj tus kheej. SNAP duab pem lub taub hau hauv tom qab koj nyiam thiab sib koom nrog peb nyob Pinterest tau muab sij hawm rau yeej. Daim ntawv qhia txog cov lus no muaj nyob NO.

Pab neeg no lawm

Rau thawj lub xyoo tshiab, lub pab (team) lawm twb tau khwv peb affiliates nyiaj ntau txiag tshaj puas ua ntej. The bonus rewards a team of affiliates for the total number of signups they bring in during a set month. Txhua cov paab hli yog them tawm ib tug lawm ntawm $250 ib 25 signups uas muaj multipliers uas nyob rau hauv ib pab neeg, tooj thiab tis ntawm kev xa mus cuag, thiab hwm kev xa mus cuag. Ib pab neeg uas xa twg thiaj li raug qhia tawm sib npaug zos rau cov payout. . Tas nrho cov cai pab neeg lawm NO.

Koj lub tsev rau xov GDI, Tswv yim, thiab txojkev