Video nyeem: Pub ntxiv tshaj los yog tsim ib pab neeg

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Koj paub rov sib tsim kev sib raug zoo hauv internet, tab sis nws matters uas koj nyob nraum tham. Tweeting Thaum ib tug neeg uas ib txwm tsis teb los sim rov sib tham nrog ib tug neeg tsis tau tau muaj tus account nyob rau hauv hom txhua as thiv yog khib nyiab lub sij hawm. Saib tus neeg koj ua tau raws li nyob rau hauv koj pub thiab saib leej twg yog yeej tham. Cov neeg uas ib txwm tweeting nrog @ tej yam tshwm sim yog cov saibxyuas yuav mus ua ke rov. Sib tau nrog cov neeg no chatty yuav pab koj ua koj lub network.

Tham txog tiam sis tsis ncav koj tus lag luam

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Lawv qab thiab miv

Vim muaj koj ib tug Twitter sib tham nrog lwm tus neeg tsis yog lawv yuav tau ib feem ntawm koj lub network txhim khu kev qha. Car farther mus nug lawv mus txuas rau LinkedIn thiab muab ib co tswv yim uas yuav pab tau kom neb ob leeg. Sau npe rau Twitter kom cov neeg koj ua raws li ces koj paub uas koj twb interacted nrog thiab vim li cas lawv ua tau tswv.

Taw Keywords tsav tsheb

seo2Seb koj nyob nraum siv koj.WS sau sib GDI los mus loj hlob thiab txhawb tau koj tus kheej ua lag ua luam, keywords tseem ceeb. Thaum twg thiaj muaj cai, keywords pab rau cov neeg tsav mus rau koj lub website thiab nyiam koj phiaj demographic. Tau tshaj tawm keywords, ua raws li cov kauj ruam nram no.

Xyuas seb koj cov neeg tuaj saib hauv phiaj

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Siv ib lo lus tseem ceeb uas

Nqa koj daim ntawv teev cov tswv yim lo lus tseem ceeb thiab ntsaws rau hauv qhov cuab tam ib lo lus tseem ceeb, ib yam li cov uas muaj nyob rau hauv WordPress, kom tau cov tswv yim kev xav los koj tsis tau. Tam sim no koj yuav muaj tau ib daim ntawv teev luv luv ntawm keywords koj xav siv koj lub website rau tsav tsheb.

Nyob zoo ib yam

Siv cov keywords posts uas, ntsiab lus zoo li qub ntawm koj lub website thiab cim npe rau ntawm qhov chaw zoo li YouTube. Thse keywords yuav pab tau rau cov thawv koj xyuas thiab targeted tsav tsheb mus rau koj lub website. Taub hau yuav pab tau ntau dua qhov muag rau ntawm koj qhov chaw rau qhov ntev log.

Koj lub tsev rau xov GDI, Tswv yim, thiab txojkev