SiteBuilder FAQ

  • SiteBuilder yog dab tsi?
    SiteBuilder yog peb template uas tau tsav lub WebSite tsim interface. Nws yooj yim rau koj nrhiav ib lub WebSite tu-thiab-running hauv feeb tsis tau siv tshwj xeeb software. Txhua yam yuav tiav ntawm li koj qhov Internet browser.
  • Kuv lub WebSite muaj pes tsawg phab?
    Peb SiteBuilder cov kev pab pub rau ib tug naj npawb unlimited ntawm nplooj ntawv. Thov nco ntsoov hais tias ib txhia templates muaj ntau ntau nplooj tabs uas tso tawm kom thiaj yuav pom nyob rau hauv qhov bar navigation ntawm koj qhov chaw ho. Vim li no, Peb xav kom nyias templates saib uas xwb zoo dua rau koj qhov chaw kawm ntawv los soj ntsuam.
  • Kuv yuav tau ua cov tau chaw sau ntau npaum li cas rau cov ntaub ntawv uas yuav tsum tau mus ua kuv lub WebSite?
    100 megabytes. Txawm li cas los, dua ntais.WS neeg siv cov WebSites siv ib feem xwb uas muaj nyob rau qhov chaw no.
  • Kuv thiaj li yuav hloov mus rau kuv qhov chaw nyob txhua sij hawm?
    Kiag li.
  • Yuav ntev li cas rau cov kev pauv yuav tsum txais?
    Feem ntau cov kev pauv yuav tsum tau cov kev txais li 15 feeb.
  • Kuv upload kuv cov nplooj ntawv HTML rau SiteBuilder?
    Tsis yog. Yog koj muaj koj tus kheej cov nplooj ntawv HTML, koj yuav tau siv peb cov kev xaiv hosting tsis SiteBuilder. Yog tsis muaj tus nqi tes ntxiv rau kom. Ob cov kev xaiv uas nyob rau hauv koj $10 tus nqi txhua hli rau tus sau duas paub.

Zoo siv Email li Part II

thawv txais ntawvDab tsi ntxiv mus

Lub hom phiaj ntawm koj qhov email li tej zaum yuav tau mus subscribers ua ib tes hauj lwm uas lawv tsis nyob rau koj lub website. Ua li no, nws yuav tsis yooj yim li koj cia li hais. Yog hais tias koj xav tau cov neeg siv yuav sau npe los ua ib affiliate, muab lawv tiag tus nqi thiab ua ntaub ntawv nrog koj emails, mam li hais kom lawv muab kos thiab qhia koj qhov link. Yog hais tias koj xav kom lawv mus ntsib koj tus lag luam, qhia tias koj yog vim li cas, zoo li muaj kev tshwj xeeb. Nco ntsoov muab koj lub hom phiaj yog dab tsi rau koj nyeem thaum twg drafting muaj ib tug email.

Tso cai rau cov Unsubscribes

Cov neeg uas kos npe tau txais koj qhov email yuav hloov lawv lub siab thiab xav kom tsis txhob. Koj xav tau kom haum raws li qhov no. Rov tsis tau hais tias thaum SPAM koj yuav tsum muab ib qho kev xaiv rau receiver los unsubscribe rau ntawm daim ntawv teev koj email rau ib tug. Qhov no yuav ua tau accomplished los muab cov phau ntawv me me rau hauv qab koj tus email nrog unsubscribe lus. This information is whatever action the receiver needs to take to no longer get your email. Ib qho piv txwv ntawm no nws ntxiv hauv phau ntawv "Thov teb rau no email nrog UNSUBSCRIBE ua ntawm kab ntawv tawm rau koj tus kheej los ntawm daim ntawv" los yog tej yam zoo sib xws. Qhov no yuav tau raws li qhov yuav tsum tau muaj ib qho kev xaiv unsubscribe. Yog koj siv ib kem email marketing pab, qhov no twb muaj nyob hauv txhua tus email koj xa.

Npeeg qhov kuv ntawm no series? Koj yuav nrhiav tau nws nyob ntawm no

Tshooj no siv Email li kuv

thawv txais ntawvKoj twb tsim tau ib lub website koob thiab koj twb tau mus tsheb, tiam sis tus zoo tsis signups, los yog tej yam koj xav tau. Koj ua dab tsi ntxiv? Xav txog siv email li. Koj tsis tas yuav kos npe rau ib tug li pab, koj yuav ua koj tus kheej tau yooj yim. Emails xa tuaj rau koj yuav pab tau kom txhawb tau koj lub website thiab koom tej kev koj tuaj. Thaum twg koj tuaj nrog, koj nug tau kom lawv tau tus ua cov kauj ruam tom ntej, seb nws kos kom tau ib qho affiliate, muas koj cov khoom los yog mus xyuas koj tom khw nyob rau hauv tus neeg. An example of a type of email you might send to a website visitor is one with more information, ib tug deal, los yog ib lub yam nkaus. Yog koj yuav txiav txim rau cov ntsiab lus ntawm koj email coj koj tuaj mus ntawd yog ib kauj ruam tom ntej.

Ua ntej koj pib nrog email, ntawm no yog ob peb cov ntsiab lus los nco ntsoov.

Cov neeg siv yuav tsum Opt hauv

Yuav tsum tsis txhob muab hais tias SPAM los tuaj, cov neeg uas yuav tsum tau emails ntawm koj yuav tsum xub opt-hauv. Qhov no txhais tau tias lawv yuav tsum muab lawv email chaw nyob rau koj, to taub tias lawv yuav kos txais emails ntawm koj. Qhov no yuav ua tau accomplished ntawm cov yooj yim hu rau daim ntawv rau koj lub website. Ob leeg SiteBuilder thiab WordPress pub ntxiv rau ib daim ntawv uas hu koj kom koj lub website. Tsuas kho cov ntawv saum daim hu los hais ib yam dab tsi zoo li "kom paub ntau ntxiv los ntawm email" los yog "Subscribe los peb sau email rau deals" thiab koj twb tau ntsib tus yuav tsum tau rau opt-hauv. Ob chav opt-no yuav pab tau kom zoo, tab sis, yuav tsum tau kev pab ntau dua. Yog koj xav siv tus coj opt-hauv, koj kawm ntxiv rau ntawm no.

Muab tus nqi tiag

Tam sim no uas koj twb tau subscribers rau koj tus email, koj puas xav kom tsim nyog lawv lub dag zog. Koj yuav tau ua qhov no los ntawm kev muab cov nqi tiag. Tus nqi yuav raug ntsiab lus, ib daim coupon los deal, or a collection of links that may be interesting to your new subscribers. Xav txog txhua lub emails koj saib koj inbox, dab tsi ua rau kom koj qhib ob peb qhov koj ua? Nco no tej thaum koj cua ntsawj ntshab koj email thiab koj email ntawv kab.

Saib sab nraum qab rau Part II rau hnub Friday. Thov koj cia cov lus nug hauv cov lus.

Koj lub tsev rau xov GDI, Tswv yim, thiab txojkev