Hom lus nug Downline

Lub tsev ib downline yuav tau lo qhia thiab tuaj nrog ib co lus nug. Yog vim li cas peb teb muaj ib ntawm peb nqe lus nug heev tshaj peb tau txais txog downlines thiab ua lub neej puas nyob rau hauv cheeb tsam koj cov neeg. Xyuas lawv tawm hauv qab no raws li koj cov neeg cheeb tsam Downline next koj.

Qhov xim txawv rau kuv downline cov lus phem ua li cas?
Nyem qhov Saib Downline lus dab neeg khawm ntawm koj thaj chaw neeg pom tseeb piav qhia ntawm tej tus account.

Vim muaj ib co nyiaj tseem nyob li raug tom qab 7 hnub?
Nyiaj yuav tsuas hloov mus “Nquag” raws li txoj cai thaum peb ntse luag them los ntawm lawv. Yog hais tias peb cov yuav nqi attempts rau tshiab nyiaj tsis, lawv yuav nyob rau hauv tej txheej xwm mus sib txog thaum uas peb yuav tau luag cov nyiaj them poob haujlwm.

Vim li cas thiaj muaj ob peb lub hlwb hauv kuv cov lus downline dawb paug?

Peb hloov cov ntaub ntawv muaj nyob rau hauv downlines kom zoo tiv thaiv tus kheej ntawm peb affiliates. Ntawv yog tam sim no tso tawm kom pom rau tagnrho affiliates nyob rau koj theem 1 downline ua neej ntawd. Yog hais tias koj txav ib yam ntawm koj cov signups tshiab rau ib cov neeg downline, koj yuav tseem pom tus tiv tauj info txij thaum koj nkag tau rau lub signup mus GDI. Theem 2-5 ntawm koj downline tsis tso saib tag nrho cov ntaub ntawv thiaj li yuav hwm tus kheej.Txuas ntxiv, txhua affiliate muaj peev xwm xaiv tau rau lawv tus kheej seb lawv tej ntaub ntawv uas yog tso tawm kom pom tau cov kev pab ncaj nraim ntawm within lub Hu rau cov nyiam ntawm lawv cov nyiaj seem.

Yuav kuv tseem txais nyiaj rau downline yog cov neeg koom nrog rau tej liaj teb dawb paug?
Koj yuav tau kawg! Tsis muaj dab tsi tshua muaj hloov nrog lub commission payout qauv. Qhov no nws yog purely niaj hloov zoo tiv thaiv tus kheej ntawm txhua peb affiliates. Koj yuav tseem tau txais nyiaj kev nquag tso nyiaj rau hauv koj lub downline.

Qib siab GDI Plugins

Npaum li cas cov chaw disk kuv puas tau rau kuv plugins?
Cov neeg muas zaub mus siv tau mus txog 10 GB uas muaj chaw seem rau tus lej tas nrho lawv plugins. Hwm cov neeg muas zaub tau 100 GB ntawm seem rau tag nrho cov plugins tus lej.

Tus username thiab password rau kuv tus plugin yog dab tsi?
Plugins muaj tsim tib username thiab lo lus zais uas koj siv rau koj tus account GDI. Muaj ib co plugins, koj yuav tau hloov tus username thiab password los hauv lub plugin. Yog hais tias koj ua tau, nws yuav tsis pauv koj tus account peev xwm ntawm GDI.

Nyob qhov twg puas no plugins tuaj?
Peb twb scoured web nrhiav miv qhib qhov kev pab cuam uas cov haib, tiam sis tsis txhob yuam kom ntev li ntawm kev know-how. Peb yuav muab cov tshiab plugins continously. Tsis yog txhua tus plugin yuav zoo rau koj; ib txhia yog targeted rau ib hom niche, thiab koj yuav nrhiav tau ib co curves kawm ua steeper tshaj rau koj yuav tu.

Kuv yuav kawm tau ntxiv txog ib cov kev plugin nyob qhov twg?
Txhua plugin muaj nyias qhov chaw thiab lub zej zog. Koj yuav paub ntxiv rau:

Ua li cas cov ntawv thiab cov zauv tom qab lub npe ntawm tus plugin txhais?
Lawv muaj cov npe thiab version pab siv. Piv txwv, “3.0” nram qab no “WordPress Blog” txhais tau hais tias tus version uas siv rau koj tus blog WordPress yog version 3.0. Tej zaum koj tsis tau hloov cov version siv, tab sis peb yuav tau hloov peb cov kev pab tsis tseg li tshiab versions kuj muaj thiab paub tias yuav ruaj khov.

Qhib los yog dab tsi?
Qhib qhov software yog feem ntau yog tsim los ntawm ib zej zog uas developers nrog rau ib qho qhov project. Chaws no tab neeg contributed los ntawm cov tswv cuab hauv zej zos, thiab yog leej twg tau saib thiab muab los saib. Feem ntau qhov project no tsis-rau-nyiaj. Daim ntawv tso cai raws cov software txug tej yaam, tab sis feem ntau qhib qhov muaj siv ces tsuav yog vim nws yog kom muaj. Koj siv tau tej yam ua kom peb paub hauv qab no rau txhua yam koj saib xyuas mus rau plugins, tsuav nws abides los ntawm peb tej Terms of Service.

Kuv yuav thov ua tus tshiab plugin li cas?
Siv lub “Thov kom tau kev them nyiaj yug” txuas nyob rau hauv koj tus account, thiab muab lub npe ntawm tus plugin uas koj muaj nyob rau hauv lub siab, as Well as muaj ib qhov txuas mus rau lawv qhov chaw.

Yog nws txhais li cas yog tias kuv qhov kev pab no “Thawj” ?
Cov kev pab hom yuav tso saib ncaj qha rau koj sau. Piv txwv: http://demPiv txwvwshttpan >. tag nrho lwm cov kev pab uas yog " rau" yuav tsum yog nyob rau subdomains. Piv txwv li: http:// blog.demonstration.ws. tsuas muaj ib qhov kev pab tej zaum yuav ntsib. cov kev xaiv lwm DNS ( xws li "SiteBuilder", "Hosting", " URL Forwarding", los sis " nres tsheb") yuav siv tsis tau thaum rau qhov tuaj thawj tshaj yog muab " rau".. Tag nrho lwm cov kev pab uas yog “rau” yuav tsum tau nyob subdomains. Piv txwv: http://Blog.demonstration.ws. Tsuas muaj ib qhov kev pab tej zaum yuav ntsib. Lwm cov kev xaiv DNS (zoo li “SiteBuilder”, “Hosting”, “URL Forwarding”, los sis “Nres”) yuav siv tsis tau thaum rau qhov tuaj thawj tshaj yog muab “rau”.

Tus subdomain yog dab tsi?
Puav yuav muab faib ua ntau ntau los ntawm kev siv ntawm ib teev. Piv txwv: nyob hauv subdomain.domain.ws cov “theem saum toj” yog sau “ws”. Yog tus thib ob theem sau “sau”. Cov theem peb sau no “subdomain”. Tus subdomain yog ib tug sau uas yog ib feem ntawm ib tug loj sau; Piv txwv, cov theem peb sau yog ib subdomain ntawm cov theem ob sau, thiab lub thib ob theem sau yog ib subdomain ntawm qhov saum theem sau. Subdomains yeej txawv kiag li chaw tshaj tus sau yog subordinate rau.

Kuv muaj coob npaum li cas subdomains?
Rau txhua qhov sau, Yooj yim neeg yuav tau txais 20 subdomains (5 ib pab), thiab hwm cov neeg tau txais 100 subdomains (25 ib pab).

Yuav kuv tau them rau subdomains kuv tsim?
Tsis yog. Muaj ib tug nqi them rau tsim subdomains.

Qhov txawv ntawv yog dab tsi “muab tua” thiab “Rho tawm” rau ib plugin?
Yog koj lem tawm ib plugin, nws yuav tsis txhob displaying hauv Internet tab sis koj cov ntsiab lus yuav muab rua kev 60 hnub. Thaum cov neeg 60 hnub, you may turn the plugin back on and the content will immediately display online. Tom qab 60 hnub, koj cov ntsiab lus yuav muab deleted. Yog koj siv lub “Rho tawm” kev xaiv rau ib plugin, cov ntsiab lus yuav tsis txhob displaying hauv internet thiab tam sim ntawd muab deleted. Tsis tau muaj retrieved deleted ntsiab lus.

Cas kuv yuav hloov kuv tus subdomain lub npe?
Tej zaum koj yog nias lub npe subdomain xwb, los yog yuav tau xaiv “Ceev Rename” los ntawm cov “Xaiv” dropdown tshuab raj. Ntaus hauv lub npe tshiab, thiab nias “ua li”.

Kuv yuav tsiv Plugins ntawm puav?
Yog. Yog hais tias koj muaj ntau yam puav, koj yuav tau txav ib Plugin thiab tag nrho cov lus qhia rau lwm tus sau los ntawm kev siv lub “Txav kev” xaiv qhov ntawm tus “Xaiv” dropdown tshuab raj.

Cas ua kuv hloov cov lus qhia Drupal nrog kuv lub ntsiab lus?
Thaum tsim tau ib cov tshiab thaiv, xaiv “Nce mus rau pem hauv ntej sab”.

Next hauv cheeb tsam koj cov neeg


Tus GDI Tutorials cov yeeb yaj duab uas yuav pab kom koj paub ua txhua yam los teev txog koj WordPress blog mus xyuas koj tus email .ws. Tutorials no yuav nyob ntawm no thiab cov sorted ntawm qeb uas tshiab yeeb yaj duab ntxiv toog, yog li kos rov ntau thiab muab peb cov tswv yim!


Hauv seem Affiliates ntawm koj hauv koj cheeb tsam yog qhov twg koj mam ntau yam koj xav tau kom koj kev ua ub no ib hnub rau ib hnub nrog GDI. Koj yuav xyuas cov Leaderboards seb leej twg yog cov nyob hauv nws thiab leej twg lawm yav tag los, thiab kos rau koj lub npe. Hauv qab Yuam kev Goodies koj yuav muab kev txiav txim rau tej yam uas zoo li GDI DVDs thiab ua lag ua luam daim card thiab ces taug qab koj txiav txim rau lub Khiav txiav txim ntawm ntu Affiliates. Ndliv qhov Caw txuas thaum koj xav sau yog import emails thiab muaj GDI yuav xa ntawv emails linking tib neeg rau koj qhov chaw thiab GDI caij nyoog. Koj Upline thiab Downline kev mus cia saib koj xwb uas raws li cov ntawv yog hais tias koj xav tau. Kuv qhov chaw uas Replicated Yog koj yuav mus saib tag nrho cov Web sites replicated uas GDI muaj rau koj xaiv los ntawm thiab xaiv raws li koj xav tias koj siv ib qhov chaw replicated.Nyob sib tham! tsham koj lub upline los yog downline los yog pib ib pab pawg tham txog GDI. Tus Banners seem showcases thiab txoj kev txoj cai rau banners GDI tus uas koj yuav tau ntxiv rau kev kawm ntawv los txuas mus rau koj tus kheej kev tswj phab. Ntaus cav tracks qhua koj affiliate nplooj ntawv tsawg thiab yuav tau sorted lub limtiam ntawm lub limtiam. Tus Commissions thaj tsam muaj qhov uas koj yuav nrhiav cov txheej xwm thiab keeb kwm ntawm koj cov nyiaj uas rhuav nws los ntawm cov nyiaj, hnub twg thiab thaum qhov kev kuaj xyuas ntawd xa. Ntsig, tus GDI lub rooj sab laj txuas yuav coj koj mus rau peb cov rooj sab laj qhov twg koj yuav mus cuag tau lwm affiliates, rooj vag thiab nyeem yav tas los posts. Nws yeej yuav accessed kuj yuav nyob www. Talk.ws.


Tus Puav ib feem ntawm koj hauv koj cheeb tsam yog qhov uas koj yuav xav Tsim kom tau koj qhov chaw nrog SiteBuilder. Siv lub sij hawm tsim koj .ws email account hauv lub Teev koj tus Email thiab mam li xyuas lub Plugins thaj chaw. Nyob rau hauv Plugins koj qhib koj cov blog WordPress, photo gallery, rooj sab laj los yog Drupal.

Tus account Info

Tus Tus account Info qhov tseem ceeb yuav tau khaws mus paub. Nws yuav ua rau koj kom koj muab xav rau kev them nyiaj thiab cov nyiaj raws li hloov passwords, koj tus username thiab koj kev hais lus xaiv. Saib zoo rau hauv koj tus Account Info thiab xyuas kom tseeb tias txhua yam yog teem licas koj nyiam nws.

Lwm cov ntaub ntawv

Tus Lwm cov ntaub ntawv qhov chaw no kuj tseem ceeb heev kom mus paub. Ntawm no koj yuav hloov thiab pauv nyiaj ntxiv thiab saib tam sim no koj kuj saib tau ntaub ntawv dab GDI tseem xav ntawm koj kom koj tau txais nyiaj raws li koj khwv tau lawv txib. Next rau cheeb tsam ntawm koj lwm cov ntaub ntawv kom meej koj nyob nraum zoo teeb!

Thiaj tau paub koj hauv koj cheeb tsam hnub no thiab seb peb tej cuab yeej sim thaum uas ua kom tag nrho koj cov ntaub ntawv no mus paub!

Koj lub tsev rau xov GDI, Tswv yim, thiab txojkev