Motivational Quotes rau koj hnub Monday

Tej zaum peb tag nrho cov siv tau me ntsis txug hlob peb ua lag ua luam, tshwj xeeb yog rau Mondays. Yog vim li cas peb nyob nraum sib koom peb favorite 8 motivational quotes kom koj yuav mus no hnub Monday. Muaj ib tug nyiam tsocai peb tu? Cia nws nyob rau hauv cov lus.

“Nws yog qhov yooj yim … mus ntxiv rau mais thiab koj yuav sawv los ntawm pawg neeg.” – Robin uab lag

“Kev yog ib lub npe uas sawv daws yuav qhia kom lawv yuam kev.” – Oscar Wilde

“Dab tsi uas koj tau los ntawm kev tau zoo thiab koj ua tau raws koj tej hom phiaj tseem ceeb li cas koj ho tau zoo thiab koj ua tau raws koj tej hom phiaj.” – Henry David Thoreau

“Lag luam dua zoo li cov tsheb thauj mus, nws muaj nws ib txwm ib lwm los." – Cai Richard Branson

“Koj cov neeg muas zaub tsis zoo siab tshaj plaws yog koj qhov chaw loj tshaj kev kawm tau ntawv.” – Bill rooj vag

“Nws yuav tsis tau tus neeg nrhiav hauj lwm nco koj. Nws yog koj txib cov hauj lwm kom paub tseeb tias lawv tsis muaj lub sij hawm mus nco koj.” – Patricia Fripp

“Yog kawm tau zoo 99% tsis ua hauj lwm.” – Soichiro Hasdas

“Neeg mas nws yeej yog ib lub cuab tam loj tshaj. Nws tsis ua kom muaj qhov sib txawv hais cov khoom puas tsav tsheb los sis cov tshuaj pleev ib ce. Lub tuam txhab no xwb zoo li tus neeg uas nws yuav.” – Mary Kay tshauv

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GDI tso cai rau koj siv cov Drupal los tsim kom tau koj tus kheej rau ntawm koj tus .ws sau. Raws li lawv lub tseem kawm ntawv, "Drupal yog ib pob dawb software uas tso cai rau koj los tau yooj yim Teacher, tswj thiab luam tawm tsab cov ntsiab lus koj, nrog kev txom ntau hom customization." Yuav tau pib nrog Drupal txog GDI, next rau lub Plugins qhov seem ntawm koj Cov neeg koom hauv cheeb tsam thiab lem hauv Drupal CMS plugin los ntawm txoj hauj lwm ON. Koj yuav tau nias mus saib ib demo lossis mus saib tau lub tswv yim tus Drupal beginner phab ntawm no.

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Yog hais tias koj nyiam koj.WS mus nraim qhua tus twb created site sau lwm, koj yuav tau ua qhov no rau ib clicks ib txhia ntawm nas. Teev rau koj Cov neeg koom hauv cheeb tsam thiab nias Puav nyob rau sab laug tes. Ib zaug ntawm no koj yuav tau mus ntsib koj tus puav thiab lawv tam sim no DNS. Ndliv pauv tau DNS thiab tam sim no ces xaiv qhov forwarding. Nov koj yuav nug qhov twg koj nyiam koj.WS chaw kom nraim rau. Ib zaug koj input no, koj qhov chaw pib forwarding. Yooj yim!

Twb muaj ib tug WordPress Site?
WordPress tau ua nyob rau hauv functionality ntshuam thiab Export koj tsiv mus nyob qhov chaw koj los xijpeem host koj xum cia. Coj tus uas twb muaj lawm blog mus GDI, thawj tau tus ID nkag mus rau koj tus uas twb muaj lawm blog. Ntawm cov ntawv qhia zaub mov tseem ceeb navigation, nrhiav Lwm yam cuab yeej. Nyob rau lub submenu ntawm Lwm yam cuab yeej, nyem Export thiab ces nias Download tau tej ntaub ntawv Export. Qhov no yuav ua rau koj yuav tseg tau ib daim ntawv mus rau koj lub computer hauv zos muaj ib lub npe zoo li “Blog-name.wordpress.YYYY-MM-DD.xml”. Tom qab koj download tau cov ntaub ntawv, ID nkag mus rau koj GDI WordPress Blog. Rov saib rau Lwm yam cuab yeej, xwb lub sij hawm no nyem Ntshuam. Xaiv WordPress ntawm daim ntawv uas yuav pab blog, thiab luag Nruab rau nruab ib lub importer rau cov neeg rau zaub mov (tsis muaj dab tsi yuav ntsia koj lub computer hauv zos). Tom ntej, nyem Qhib Plugin & Khiav Importer. Thaum kawg, xauj koj lub computer thiab upload cov ntaub ntawv koj exported lawm, nyiam ib tus uas muaj lub npe “Blog-name.wordpress.YYYY-MM-DD.xml”. Tam sim no cov GDI yog hosting koj WordPress kawm ntawv, thiab koj mus thim koj them rau qhov ntawd cov Hosting!

Koj puas paub txog

yog dab tsi? yog muaj neeg ntiaj teb coob.WS Internationalized sau npe (IDN) kiab khw, powered by Global Domains International (GDI)! (Ib tus Internationalized sau npe (IDN) yog tus nawj npawb uas muaj cim lwm cov niam ntawv English, Piv txwv ntawm suav, Arabic, Hebrew, thiab ntau yam ntxiv.) GDI yog lub npe kom tau rau.WS saum theem sau. Leej twg los, nyob qhov twg, yuav tso npe ib tug.WS sau thiab tsim kom muaj ib tug kheej hauv internet nyob rau lub neej.

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Kuv yuav pab li cas?

Thaum twg ib tug sau sells rau, GDI yuav khaws tus cov txheej txheem kev lag luam 10%, tab sis, peb xav kom muab nws qhia rau koj thiab koj lub network. GDI yuav tsuas khaws ib nrab ntawm cov 10%. Cov seem 5% yuav muab faib raws li cov nyiaj rau lub 5 upline affiliates ntawm tus neeg muag khoom sau hauv the amount of 1% txhua.

Npaj saib kom zoo dua Nyem qhov no mus kawm ntxiv.

Koj lub tsev rau xov GDI, Tswv yim, thiab txojkev