All posts by GDI Corporate

Plaub yam uas ua rau neeg tawm thiab yuav ua li cas lawv thiaj

Nqi khoom nriav tsev thiab

Nyob hauv ntau lub network marketing txuj, nqi pib thiab nyob nrog ib qhov kev pab no yog ib qhov zoo tshaj yuav lossis loj. Ntau yam kev pab yuav tsum tau mus yuav cov khoom uas kim thiab ces muag thiaj li yuav ua rau tej nyiaj koj, los yog cia li tawg txawm. Tab sis cov GDI, qhov no yuav tsis tau ib qhov teeb meem. Saib xwb $10 ib hlis twg, Yog GDI nqis rau leej twg. Yog ib tug neeg los txiav luam yeeb, nco lawv ua li cas lub me peev GDI no yuav pib lub tsev cov nyiaj rau lub neej.

Xyov yuav ua li cas

Tib neeg kuj yuav txiav txim los txiav luam yeeb network marketing thaum lawv tsis paub dab tsi lawv yuav tsum tau ua los sis yuav loj hlob tuaj lawv ua lag ua luam. Qhov no nws yog avoidable yooj yim los yog ib pab zoo thiab cov noog thiab upline. Koj pab neeg yuav tsum tsis hnov ploj los yog xyov qhov twg yuav nrhiav tau cov lus teb, Nws yog koj hauj lwm kom lawv coj thiab kawm ntawv rau lawv. Cia lawv nyob hauv koj pab neeg uas yog tus yawm tswj thiab ua twb zoo saib.

Tsis tau nplua nuj Quick

Network li yog muaj sij hawm los tsim koj tus lag luam thiab yog yus thawj rau koj lub sij hawm. Nws yuav tsis tau ib tug tau nplua nuj ceev tswvyim. Koj pab neeg yuav tsum paub qhov no thaum lawv zwm npe. Kom neeg tsis txhob ntxhov siab thiab tawm thaum lawv tsis mus muab nplua nuj tam, qhia rau lawv paub tias nws siv sij hawm los tsim kom muaj ib lub lag luam thiab pom ib. Qhia siab ntev rau koj pab neeg.

Nkaus rau lawm vim li cas

Pab neeg no yuav saib tau tawm ib tsab vim tus got rau hauv cov lag luam uas tsis ncaj ncees lawm lossis joined GDI kev tsis ncaj ncees lawm vim li cas. Qhov no thiaj, nrhiav kom paub tias txhua tus neeg ua ntej koj kos npe rau lawv. Nug tej pab neeg thiab kev kawm ntawv rau lawv kom lawv pub ntxiv yog tshaj GDI rau txoj kev yog vim li cas thiab npaj txhij yuav tau ib feem ntawm ib pab neeg no thiab cov hauj lwm uas nyuab.

Lub tswv yim rau Affiliate li Beginners

Ntawm no yog plaub cov ceev lub tswv yim rau peb beginners los pab koj ua cov nyiaj tau los ntawm lub neej.

Muaj ib tug tib neeg uas tsis yog neeg

Affiliate li, ua li Network, xijpeem koj hu nws, Nws yog hais txog neeg. Thaum uas koj pib nrog GDI koj tsis tau saib los yog rau leej twg hauv koj downline, koj yuav tsum tau consciously tsev ib pab neeg uas muaj zog. Qhov txawv yog tias ib pab neeg yuav ua hauj lwm kom txhua tus kawm tau ntawv zoo thiab kom tus menyuam mus. Tsim ib pab neeg uas koj yuav tsum tau tus neeg. This means really connect with the people you want to add to your team and get to know them. As you take the time to talk with potential team members you will quickly learn who is in it for the long haul or who might quit after one month. Tsim kom koj pab cov neeg xav tau vam meej ua ke thiab nrog GDI.

Nthuav koj Network

Ntau beginners nrog GDI tig feem ntau rau cov phooj ywg thiab nws tsev neeg ua ntej kos npe rau lawv. Thaum no tej zaum yuav ua hauj lwm rau ib txhia neeg, qhov no yuav ncua backfire. Tsis txhob tua koj cov phooj ywg thiab cov tsev neeg uas muaj lub sijhawm. Cov neeg no yeej yuav muaj, thiab yog hais tias lawv pom paj, ua hauj lwm nrog lawv, tiam sis brow tsis tas tsis tuav koj cov phooj ywg thiab cov tsev neeg uas muaj lub sijhawm. Yog hais tias koj tsis tau tam sim ntawd excitement ntawm koj cov vajvoog ze, tsis ua li cas, txav mus rau ib tug.

Koj yuav tsum nqis ib ntsis ntawm koj xwv zaub ua rau cov tsim cov tes hauj lwm tshiab thiab tau txuas nrog rau lwm tus. Txog rau hnub nyoog muj, cov tswv lag luam hauv zos me me thiab entrepreneurs. Lawv tej zaum yuav xav siv GDI thiab lawv yuav rau koj nrog cov neeg nyob hauv lawv lub network. Tsis txhob cia GDI vim niam thiab dad tsis xav mus zwm npe, Branch thiab coj mus rhaub ua rau lossis loj tus najnpawb ntawm cov neeg.

Teem rau koj tus kheej

Muaj coob tus neeg yog pib ua hauj lwm nrog cov GDI thiab lub tsev cov nyiaj rau lub neej thaum lawv tseem nai. GDI yuav ua tau ib qhov loj ntawm cov nyiaj tau los "ntxiv", tab sis yuav tsum teem lub sij hawm tsim koj tus lag luam uas koj yuav tsis pom qhov nyiaj khwv tau los. Teeb cia tseg sij hawm txhua hnub los yog ib lub lis piam rau GDI mus rau koj lub lag luam thiab lub network. GDI yuav tiv txhua sij hawm, cia li ua rau lub sij hawm rau nws!

Ua siab ntev

Qhov no yog ib ntsis hnov peb feem ntau ntawm cov affiliates zoo heev: ua siab ntev. Cov affiliates no feem ntau hais tias yog lawv twb muab lawv thawj lub limtiam, lub hli los txawm xyoo tau thaum twg khoom mus nyuaj, lawv tsis tau zoo li thaum lawv muaj hnub no. Koj yuav pib slow lossis muaj qeeb lis piam, tiam sis ua siab ntev, lo nrog nws thiab tsis tau muaj tswv yim. Cia li $10 yog ib tus nqis peev uas tsawg tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv lub lag luam uas koj yuav tau ua, lo nrog nws thiab ua hauj lwm nyuaj thiab koj mam pib mus saib tau.

Dab tsi yog koj qhov chaw muab?

Dab tsi yog koj qhov chaw muab? Nws yog ib lo lus nug yooj yim, tab sis, tau koj teb nws? Muaj dab tsi koj ua qhov yog qhov tseem ceeb uas koj nyiam, dab tsi lem koj mus thiab tej zaum daim leads thiab cov qhua tuaj. Yog koj nyob nraum nrhiav tej yam no tseem ceeb heev tias koj qhov chaw muaj ib yam dab tsi rau nws qhua. Yog koj nyob nraum nrhiav dua tsheb los yog daim ntawv ce, koj qhov website muaj rua suav dlawg qhua rau nyob thiab rov qab mus rau koj qhov chaw.

Xav txog dab tsi koj mus rau qhov chaw, dab tsi koj muaj kev paub los yog dab tsi koj xav sib. Qhov no yuav ua yeeb yaj duab, cov ntsiab lus kev kawm txuj los yog kev them nyiaj yug rau tej neeg GDI. Koj qhov website no yuav tsum ua kom ntau tshaj ib qhov chaw, nws yuav tsum tau muab tus nqi qhua thiab cia lawv los. Tam sim no nug koj tus kheej, “Zoo li cas yog kuv qhov chaw muaj?” Yog hais tias koj tsis xav teb ib qho lus rau lo lus nug no thiab koj xav ntxiv lub tsheb, Nws yog lub sij hawm rau ib qhov chaw overhaul. Lawv yuav khaws los rov qab muab qhua tus nqi thiab kev pab.

Li ntawd, qhia rau peb! Ab tsi koj qhov kev mus qhua?